CG数据库 >> Photoshop卡通数字艺术绘画训练视频教程 CGCookie Drawing without Fear

本视频教程是由CGCookie机构出品的Photoshop卡通数字艺术绘画训练视频教程,CGCookie Drawing without Fear,时长:3小时9分,大小:1.8 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Photoshop,作者:John Thacker,语言:英语。


CGCookie Drawing without Fear

John Thacker – John inspires me in the way he renders out his images. He has a unique look to his creatures and characters and it was a pleasure watching his tutorial for us since you get to see the process from start to finish. Hoping he captures your guys attention as he has mine!

In his Citizen tutorial, he takes you through his process on creating a concept from start to finish but talks about the importance of drawing without fear. This is an advance tutorial that integrates all of the necessary fundamentals to create an awesome final character result! As a Citizen member, you can download the HD Video, his brushes along with the .PSD files!

Photoshop卡通数字艺术绘画训练视频教程 CGCookie Drawing without Fear的图片1
Photoshop卡通数字艺术绘画训练视频教程 CGCookie Drawing without Fear的图片2

发布日期: 2014-7-7