本视频教程是由VTC机构出品的Painter X3先进绘画技术视频教程,VTC Corel Painter X3 Advanced,8小时,大小:1 GB,格式:MP4高清视频,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Corel Painter X3,作者:Jason Maranto,共87章节,语言:英语。
Painter是数码素描与绘画工具的终极选择,是一款极其优秀的仿自然绘画软件,拥有全面和逼真的仿自然画笔。它是专门为渴望追求自由创意及需要数码工具来仿真传统绘画的数码艺术家、插画画家及摄影师而开发的。它能通过数码手段复制自然媒质(Natural Media)效果,是同级产品中的佼佼者,获得业界的一致推崇。
把Painter定为艺术级绘画软件比较适合,其中上百种绘画工具使其它的大师级软件黯然失色,其中的多种笔刷提供了重新定义样式、墨水流量、压感以及纸张的穿透能力,Painter为数字绘画提高到一个新的高度。Painter中的滤镜主要针对纹理与光照,因它采用了一种天然媒体专利技术,处理中国画风格的特色而被国内的电脑美术者称为“梵高”,它可以使作品达到一种特殊的大写意。因没有中文版,在我国中小学电脑美术教学中还很少使用。 Fractal Design公司还推出了一款面向业余美术爱好者的绘画软件Dabbler,在打开的一个个抽屉里面放着各种画笔和材质,得到小朋友的喜爱。在美国Dabbler早已成为儿童美术启蒙教育的工具,在我国它普及程度大于Painter。
VTC Corel Painter X3 Advanced
Corel Painter X3 is a powerful and popular natural media emulator which is used by professional creative artists in a wide variety of genres and styles. This course, taught by longtime illustrator and fine artist Jason Maranto, is designed to quickly familiarize you with many advanced features of this powerful application. Focusing on the extensive Painter X3 brush engine settings, with an in-depth but easy to follow style, this course is packed with valuable brush design tips and tricks. Quickly helping you to unlock the mark-making potential of Painter, so your personal expressiveness can come to life inside Painter like never before.
发布日期: 2014-8-11