本软件是由nvidia机构出品的Nvidia PhysX物理引擎WaveWorks软件,Nvidia PhysX WaveWorks,大小:1.3 GB,语言:英语。
physx 是一套由 nvidia 设计的执行复杂的物理运算的技术.在 2005年7月20日,索尼同意在即将发售的 playstation3 中使用 nvidia 的 physx 和它的 sdk —— novodex 。nvidia 声称,physx 将会使设计师在开发游戏的过程中使用复杂的物理效果而不需要像以往那样耗费漫长的时间开发一套物理引擎,而且使用了物理引擎还会使一些配置较低的电脑无法流畅运行。nvidia 更宣称 physx 执行物理运算的效率比当前的 cpu 与物理处理软件的组合高出 100 倍。游戏设计语言 dark basic pro 将会支持 physx,并允许其用户利用physx 执行物理运算。
Nvidia PhysX WaveWorks
NVIDIA WaveWorks enables developers to deliver a cinematic-quality ocean simulation for interactive applications. The simulation runs in the frequency domain using a spectral wave dispersion model. An inverse FFT step then transforms to the spatial domain ready for rendering. The NVIDIA WaveWorks simulation is initialized and controlled by a simple C API and the results are accessed for rendering through a HLSL shader API. Parameterization is via intuitive real-world variables, such as wind speed and direction. These parameters can be used to tune the look of the sea surface for a wide variety of conditions – from gentle ripples to a heavy storm-tossed ocean based on the Beaufort scale.
Dependencies DX11
Key Features
Tessendorf’s spectral algorithm, based on Phillips spectrum
Multi-res simulation
Quad-tree tile-based LoDing
Host read-back
DX11 tessellation
Foam simulation
A “no graphics” path for clients (MMO servers)
发布日期: 2015-1-19