本视频教程是由Digital-Tutors机构出品的MODO与SubstanceDesigner游戏场景建模和材质制作视频教程,Digital-Tutors Creating Game Interiors using MODO and Substance Designer,时长:3小时34分,大小:1.4 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:MODO 801, Substance Designer,作者:Justin Walters,共26个章节,语言:英语。
Modo是一款高级多边形细分曲面,建模、雕刻、3D绘画、动画与渲染的综合性3D软件。由Luxology, LLC设计并维护。该软件具备许多高级技术,诸如N-gons(允许存在边数为4以上的多边形),多层次的3D绘画与边权重工具,可以运行在苹果的Mac OS X与微软的Microsoft Windows操作平台。
Substance Designer是Substance贴图工具产品系列之一,它可以帮助美术师高效地创建并且重复应用贴图。Substance Designer是首款能够混合及应用位图, 矢量图和其他元素的专业贴图工具,使用它能够制作复杂的贴图。
用Substance Designer制作的贴图具有许多传统位图不具备的优势。后者相对静止且用线性方式制作,而用Substance Designer制作的贴图更具活力,在制作的每个阶段都可以被高度的自定义。
Substance Designer是一个强大的材质处理解决方案,它将智能纹理技术带入了3D 创建管线的中心。它致力于帮助美工将各种类型的图形资源(从位图到专属程序元素)转变为实时动态和高度灵活的纹理和过滤器。
Digital-Tutors Creating Game Interiors using MODO and Substance Designer
In this MODO and Substance Designer tutorial we’ll look at how to create game interiors using those two programs and Unreal Engine.
We’ll start off using MODO to quickly create high poly meshes using a variety of techniques including Mesh Fusion, profiles, and presets. We’ll look at the key differences between using tiling textures and unique props and create examples of both.
Once our high poly meshes are complete we’ll create low poly and game ready versions of our work using MODO’s topology tools, UV everything, and discuss smoothing groups as they relate to Unreal Engine. From there we’ll go into Substance Designer and create a template for our textures that we can apply to all of the objects in our scene.
Finally, we’ll finish this MODO and Substance Designer training by exporting everything for use in Unreal Engine and set up a quick scene with some basic lighting.
发布日期: 2015-4-14