CG数据库 >> Mistika蓝魔人视觉特效技术视频教程 cmiVFX Mistika Look Development

本教程是由cmiVFX机构出品的Mistika蓝魔人视觉特效技术视频教程,cmiVFX Mistika Look Development,时长:2小时15分,大小:1.7 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Mistika,作者:Chris Maynard,语言:英语。

Mistika 的前身叫:Jaleo,这个西班牙的软件目前仍然是最受好评的广告和电视剪辑软件。因为支持著名的5Dbox,所以它的特效功能也一点也不落伍。特别是JaleoHD版本,可以支持长片的多轨道高清实时剪辑和合成。所以北京和广州的很多作MTV、广告、电视剧、数字电影的后期公司仍然在使用它。在后期软件中间,Jaleo的剪辑和实时效率,仍然是剪辑师中口碑最好的!现在我们有了 新的软件名字叫Mistika。



cmiVFX Mistika Look Development

It’s a whole new ball game, and cmiVFX is ahead on the scoreboard with this awesome new technique for creating Character Look Development. For many years, the industry has followed a pretty straight forward pipeline for creating moving pictures. Compositing traditionally is a process that comes after CG integration with live action footage. However, what if you could use your compositing applications to help keep both PreViz in Final Cut in the same high quality? Well you can! Next time you get wind of a project, make sure you get invited to the kick off meetings. Make sure your hero characters are not going through massive amounts of potentially unnecessary 3d modeling and animation! Show them all how a bit of compositing “know how” can get you to that next level of excitement in just hours instead of weeks! In this video we use SGO Mistika to create unique character design from live action footage without any additional CG assets! Do it all in comp! Anyone who can not get access to Mistika can also follow along in MambaFX, SGO’s companion compositing solution which is downloadable from their website. The techniques in this video can be applied to any compositing application, so why not spend a few bucks now to save un-needed spending of a lot of bucks later! When it comes to VFX innovation, there is only one place to go,!

Mistika蓝魔人视觉特效技术视频教程 cmiVFX Mistika Look Development的图片1

发布日期: 2015-8-9