CG数据库 >> Marmoset Toolbag游戏模型效果工具软件V2.08版

本软件是由marmoset机构出品的Marmoset Toolbag游戏模型效果工具软件V2.08版,Marmoset Toolbag 2.08,大小:170 MB,支持Win系统,语言:英语。

Marmoset Toolbag是8Monkey公司旗下用来展示游戏模型效果的工具包,Toolbag是一个实时的材料编辑和演示工具,Marmoset是8monkey公司所拥有的游戏引擎和工具集合的总称,而这款Marmoset Toolbag是他们推出的软件,该软件的主要特征功能是可以进行实时模型观察、材质编辑和动画预览,它能给游戏艺术家提供一个快速、简单、实用的应用平台来为其余人展示他们的辛勤劳动成果。


Marmoset Toolbag 2.08

Marmoset Toolbag? is a full-featured, real-time material editor and renderer bundled in a tidy package. Toolbag provides 3D artists a powerful and efficient workflow, bringing exemplary rendering quality to every stage of the 3D art pipeline.

Version 208 | August 5th, 2015

Video Overview: 2.08 Update

Feature Additions:

Automatic mesh reloading

Volumetric fog

Camera constraint settings for Viewer export

Lights and cameras now import from FBX files

Selectable UV set for emissive shader

Viewer Feature Additions:

Camera Constraints

AO map support

Lossless normal map option

Texture wrapping and filtering options now export

Additive blending background tint now supported

Bug Fixes:

Tooltip corrections

FBX transform and pivot fixes

Improved compatibility for loading of TIFF files

Fix for duplicated camera/object conflict

Film grain behaves better with 2x viewport resolution

sRGB option now works for 16bpc images

?Use Filtering? texture option now overrides anisotropic filtering

Windows retain their positions during app minimization

Fix for improper object naming when duplicated while renaming


Marmoset Toolbag游戏模型效果工具软件V2.08版的图片1

发布日期: 2015-8-10