CG数据库 >> Mari三维纹理绘制工具软件V3.0v2版 The Foundry Mari 3.0v2 Win Mac

本软件是由thefoundry机构出品的Mari三维纹理绘制工具软件3.0v2版,The Foundry Mari 3.0v2 Win Mac,大小:1.5 GB,支持Win、Mac系统,语言:英语。

MARI 是个可以处理高复杂度的创意纹理绘制工具。原创于 Weta Digital 制作公司,为他们的纹理部门在制作 DISTRICT 9 第九区、THE LOVELY BONES 苏西的世界、和 AVATAR 阿凡达 时,因应极度复杂、细腻的纹理设计需求而研发的。

MARI 拥有超越许多二维绘图系统的创意工具组,让艺术家们能专注于绘制工作。它具有互动迅速又流畅的用户界面,您可以直接在模型上绘制纹理,并能实时看到效果。不但省时,更将纹理绘制工作带到前所未见的境界。

MARI 具有无以伦比的庞大和巨量纹理处理功能,发挥极度细腻的纹理效果。


成果立即展现,降低修改的需求,省时又省钱。告别以往绘制、渲染、审查、修改的循环程序。一个模型的所有纹理皆能同时载入 MARI,省去分割模型的麻烦。


首屈一指的创意绘图工具,专注于艺术家们的需求。MARI 经过极度生产压力历练而生的绘笔引擎,将艺术家从传统的限制中解放出来,容许他们自然的在模型上作业。


就视觉特效工作而言,镜头内的整合效果才是最重要的。一个镜头中的模型在背景前,从任何角度所呈现的效果都非常重要。MARI 允许艺术家在镜头内检视效果,并可直接在模型上绘制适当的纹理。


纹理在不同的时间点可能需要改变,例如脸红的少女、刮伤凹陷的盔甲等,纹理的变化是做真实效果时很重要的一环。在 MARI 里您能逐格绘制纹理。


MARI 能有效的与复杂的工作流程整合,发挥更强劲的功效。它在界面、几何模型、相机、和着色各方面都采用了开放和可扩展式的架构,同时支援色彩管理,和打光、纹理等的变化。输入和输出则在背后进行。



'Mari' 是什么意思?

MARI 取自 Swahili 斯瓦希里文的 "maridadi",意思是"美丽",并有"有用"的涵意。

The Foundry Mari 3.0v2 Win Mac

MARI 3 brings support for widely-used shaders such as Unreal, as well as for OpenSubdiv geometry. Within the games market, more AAA and indie game developers have adopted MARI to create the cinematic-quality characters and experiences required in today’s most successful games.

New features in MARI 3 include:

MODO rendering and baking: MODO’s rendering technology is now integrated directly within MARI. working out of the box without the need for a MODO license. Artists can now easily check the final-render quality of their work as they paint, or use MODO’s powerful baking engine to bake textures directly from within the MARI UI, reducing time spent transferring data between various applications. MARI’s new developer APIs further extend the ability to achieve similar functionality with other offline renderers.

Exposed node graph and Gizmos: In addition to the traditional layer system, MARI 3 introduces the first phase of the exposure of its node graph, which allows advanced users to create and edit channels and layers in a more powerful, efficient and visual manner. Artists can chose to work directly in the node graph, selecting and connecting nodes to build their final textured surface. In addition, artists can reduce complexity by combining frequently used functions into custom group nodes known at Gizmos. Artists can export Gizmos for use in other projects, or shared with others.

OpenSubdiv support: New support in MARI for the widely-used OpenSubdiv geometry lets artists work with subdivision surface (SDS) meshes, without the need to translate or pre-subdivide them. Subdivision surfaces combined with accurate UV layouts lets artists view and work with a better representation of the final rendered smooth surface, while making sure final textures match up.

Color space management: MARI 3 delivers new flexible, artist-friendly color management workflows, based on OpenColorIO. Color space properties, available on both images and on individual channels of multi-channel images, eliminate the need to preprocess or post-process images into the correct color space. Artists can also set color space defaults a per-project basis. These features save time and reduce the potential for errors.

Arnold, V-Ray, Unreal and Redshift shaders: MARI 3 introduces new shaders designed to simulate those used in industry-standard rendering and games engines—Arnold, V-Ray, Unreal and Redshift. Now, artists can paint textures in their intended final context, providing more realistic previews.

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Mari三维纹理绘制工具软件V3.0v2版 The Foundry Mari 3.0v2 Win Mac的图片1

发布日期: 2015-12-17