CG数据库 >> Maya 2016 LT三维动画软件SP4版 Autodesk Maya LT 2016 SP4 Win Mac

本软件是由Autodesk机构出品的Maya 2016 LT三维动画软件SP4版,Autodesk Maya LT 2016 SP4 Win Mac,大小:2.6 GB,支持Win与Mac系统,语言:英语。

Autodesk发布的Maya LT版本可以说是Maya的简易版,LT版本有着与Maya相同的用户接口以及工作流程,并且有着更亲民的价格。目标设定是给个人以及手机游戏的开发商这些使用者。与Maya相比,Maya LT完整保留了建模的功能,但也去掉了许多动画制作的功能,例如Animation Layer、Live animation retargeting、Camera Sequencer、Paint Effects…也去掉了MEL和Python编码功能。因为担心一些大型公司会利用LT这样较便宜的版本来当作制作软件,所以Autodesk还是希望大型的开发公司能使用完整版的Maya。

Autodesk Maya LT 2016 SP4 Win Mac

New in Maya LT 2016

– Integrated Sculpting Tools and UV editing tools: Brush-based sculpting in Maya LT now facilitates high level sculpting on models, without the need to export to a different tool, while new UV brushes (interactive cut/sew edge tool, automatic projection, pinning, weld, split, and unfold brushes) provide an intuitive, artistic-driven workflow.

– Advanced Animation and Game Exporter Tool: New Spline IK and cluster deformation help users easily animate non-humanoid characters; a Game Exporter update simplifies the management and export of multiple animation clips, making it easier for indie artists to export multiple animations for use in a game engine simultaneously.

– Physically-Based ShaderFX Nodes and user-submitted improvements: Physically-based shading material allows artists to design more realistic and high quality materials, for higher-quality assets. User submitted enhancements include background texture loading, allowing artists to begin working without waiting for an entire scene to load; a customizable default lighting environment that standardizes the appearance of imported assets; a fog effects in the viewport to focus on the object closest to the viewport camera.  访问密码 2b9f


Maya 2016 LT三维动画软件SP4版 Autodesk Maya LT 2016 SP4 Win Mac的图片1

发布日期: 2015-12-30