本视频教程是由Udemy机构出品的无极黑极限雪山概念艺术绘画视频教程,时长:1小时58分,大小:640 MB,MP4高清视频格式,作者:Greg Manchess,语言:英语。
视频中,Greg Manchess巧妙地将参考图像与他的想象力相结合,绘制出一个美丽的童话般的世界。Greg有讲到传统的油画技巧和在插画领域如何做到专业。也会讲到他创作道路上的人生观。
Massive Black公司是美国知名的一流游戏开发和外购工作室,享有很高度知名,在电影界和游戏界都有良好的口碑。在方案设计,电影艺术,三维开发,动画,高端展示,作品结构,顾问和外观开发等方面对公司进行帮助,能提供独一无二的下一代多维画面和艺术表现方式。无极黑有限公司是开发次时代游戏和3A级质量艺术产品的一流工作室。是当今电子游戏行业中最富有经验的外包工作室,与暴雪、NCsoft、EA、索尼、任天堂、微软等重要客户都有过非常成功的合作经验。无极黑是一家提供全方位艺术服务的工作室,拥有世界上最大的概念设计团队并集中了制作游戏模型、材质及动画的顶尖三维人才,同时在教育和培训方面也处于行业中的领先地位。
Massive Black Above the Timberline by Greg Manchess
Join us for two rainy days spent in the studio with Greg Manchess as he masterfully combines photo reference with his imagination to craft a beautiful storybook world. Greg covers traditional oil painting techniques as well how to be a professional in the field of illustration. Some of his personal philosophy on the creative path is covered as well, all set to an original score by cutting edge dub step producer DJunya. This painting captures Greg at the very prime of both his career and his painting abilities and we feel fortunate to be able to share it with you.
The techniques in this DVD are also useful to digital painters as the workflow might be replicated by those who want a more painterly result in their works.
发布日期: 2016-4-8