CG数据库 >> 影视级铅笔插画绘画训练视频教程 Stan Winston School Portrait Illustration Part...

本教程是由StanWinstonSchool机构出品的影视级铅笔插画绘画训练视频教程,时长:3小时,大小:4.5 GB,MP4高清视频格式,作者:Wolfinger,共18章节,语言:英语。

课程中,插画大师Terry Wolfinger 将带领我们提升铅笔绘画技巧。Wolfinger将为我们讲授用铅笔绘制逼真的人物肖像的全过程:从选择参考图像和绘制速写草图,到最后的细化和保存画作都会有详细讲授。



Stan Winston School Portrait Illustration Part 1 Pencil Drawing Techniques

Sharpen your pencil drawing skills with master illustrator Terry Wolfinger (The Lost World: Jurassic Park, Terminator 3, Ghosts). Using Stan Winston as his subject, Wolfinger will guide you through the entire process for pencilling a realistic character portrait, from selecting reference & thumbnail sketching all the way to final refinement & preserving your drawing.

Approximate Runtime – 03:00:00


Gathering good reference imagery

Thumbnail Sketching

Blocking out Shapes

Refining & Detailing

Highlights & Shadows

Perspective & The Illusion of Depth

影视级铅笔插画绘画训练视频教程 Stan Winston School Portrait Illustration Part...的图片1
影视级铅笔插画绘画训练视频教程 Stan Winston School Portrait Illustration Part...的图片2

发布日期: 2016-4-9