CG数据库 >> 电影游戏故事版取景透视导演制作视频教程 Stan Winston School Storyboard a Monst...

本教程是由StanWinstonSchool机构出品的电影游戏故事版取景透视导演制作视频教程,时长:2小时46分,大小:3.2 GB,MP4高清视频格式,作者:Drew Garcia,共15章节,语言:英语。

教程中,资深故事板艺术家Drew Garcia-Price将带领我们学习所有必要的知识。最终掌握制作电影故事版的技术。


Stan Winston School Storyboard a Monster Movie Part 1 Traditional Techniques

Esteemed storyboard artist Drew Garcia-Price guides you through all the knowledge necessary to learn, and eventually master, the art of storyboarding a monster movie.

Watch as Drew shares his many years of experience and insight, showcasing all the necessary skills and talents it requires to become a storyboard artist.

Approximate Runtime – 02:46:03


Setting up camera shots

How to re-frame your scenes based on your drawing

Fundamental aspects of perspective

Using arrows to describe camera movement

Insight into working with a director

电影游戏故事版取景透视导演制作视频教程 Stan Winston School Storyboard a Monst...的图片1
电影游戏故事版取景透视导演制作视频教程 Stan Winston School Storyboard a Monst...的图片2

发布日期: 2016-4-12