CG数据库 >> 时尚创意音响扬声器跳动标题动画AE模板 Videohive Sound Box 124349

本AE模板是由Videohive机构出品的时尚创意音响扬声器跳动标题动画AE模板,大小:122 Mb,格式:AEP ,分辨率:1920x1080,使用软件版本:CS4- CC 2015,内附使用教程。

AE模板是由After Effects软件生成的一种工程文件,能够渲染出美轮美奂的动画特效,文件中包括音乐、图片、视频、脚本等素材。适用与宣传片、电视台、影视公司,电影电视剧等宣传与特效动画制作。




Videohive Sound Box 124349

Sound Box is an After Effects project designed to interact with your music. Import any sound and add your picture text or logos, they will move to the beats of the track.

The file is fully customizable (and quite easy too), and watching the video tutorials will teach you how to change the colors of every element in the project.

Full HD

Nine placeholders for text, pictures or logos.

Delete placeholders, or make them longer, you can have just one with your logo if you need.

No plug-ins or prerenders = Fully Editable

3 video tutorials + Help File

Link to the free Font used included inside


时尚创意音响扬声器跳动标题动画AE模板 Videohive Sound Box 124349的图片1
时尚创意音响扬声器跳动标题动画AE模板 Videohive Sound Box 124349的图片2
时尚创意音响扬声器跳动标题动画AE模板 Videohive Sound Box 124349的图片3

发布日期: 2016-10-11