本插件是由intelligentimagingsolutions机构出品的Piccure照片锐化修饰模糊修复PS插件V3.0.0.29版,大小:290 MB,支持photoshop软件,支持Win系统,语言:英语。
Piccure for Adobe Photoshop是一款运行于Adobe Photoshop下的去模糊差距,号称是抖动照片克星!可以帮助你快速的将因抖动等问题拍摄出的模糊照片自动修复,重新变的清晰锐利!插件使用非常简单,只需要导入图片,然后在PS下打开滤镜,然后程序会自动修复,并给出修复前后的对比照片,当然,自动修复肯定尽如人意,所以你还可以使用Advance Option高级选项来手动修改!天天小编试了下,效果还是非常不错的。大家看一下下面的对比照片!
piccure+ is a reliable choice for photographers for correcting optical aberrations, camera shake and blur from optical low pass filters (OLPF) – three major reasons for a lack of image sharpness. It is the first software solution that actively addresses the problem of copy-to-copy variation in lenses and corrects optical aberrations specifically for your equipment.
It integrates seamlessly as a plugin (filter) into Adobe® Photoshop®, Photoshop® Elements and Lightroom®. It can also be called directly from within DxO Optics Pro® and PhaseOne CaptureOne®. piccure+ also works as standalone including RAW converter. piccure+ is developed by a team of professionals (Professors and PhDs) and has been on the market for several years.
发布日期: 2016-11-16