CG数据库 >> 现代城市街道销售传单indesign排版模板

本合辑是由creativemarket机构出品的现代城市街道销售传单indesign排版模板,大小:24.2 MB,格式:INDD ,包含现代城市街道销售传单indesign排版模板文件。建议使用最新版本Indesign软件打开,CG数据库整理

InDesign软件是一个定位于专业排版领域的设计软件, 是面向公司专业出版方案的新平台,由Adobe公司于1999年9月1日发布。它是基于一个新的开放的面向对象体系,可实现高度的扩展性,还建立了一个由第三方开发者和系统集成者可以提供自定义杂志、广告设计、目录、零售商设计工作室和报纸出版方案的核心。可支持插件功能。InDesign可以将文档直接导出为Adobe的PDF格式,而且有多语言支持。它也是第一个支持Unicode文本处理的主流DTP应用程序,率先使用新型OpenType字体,高级透明性能,图层样式,自定义裁切等功能。它基于JavaScript特性,和与兄弟软件Illustrator、Photoshop等的完美结合,界面的一致性等特点都受到了用户的青睐。

Adobe InDesign is a desktop publishing softwareapplication produced by Adobe Systems. It can be used to create works such asposters, flyers, brochures, magazines, newspapers, and books. InDesign can alsopublish content suitable for tablet devices in conjunction with Adobe DigitalPublishing Suite. Graphic designers and production artists are the principalusers, creating and laying out periodical publications, posters, and printmedia. It also supports export to EPUB and SWF formats to create e-books anddigital publications, including digital magazines, and content suitable forconsumption on tablet computers. In addition, InDesign supports XML, stylesheets, and other coding markup, making it suitable for exporting tagged textcontent for use in other digital and online formats. The Adobe InCopy wordprocessor uses the same formatting engine as InDesign.

SALE FlyerINCLUDEA4 Size3 mm. bleed3 Layout VariationPdf includePrint ReadyAll File Is Vector Element and Fully EditableFEATURED FILES INCLUDEAdobe InDesign File CS4 Or LaterAdobe Ilustrator File CS4 Or Later


发布日期: 2017-2-24