CG数据库 >> 现代干净充满活力的发光胶片效果婚礼Lightroom预设

本合辑是由creativemarket机构出品的现代干净充满活力的发光胶片效果婚礼Lightroom预设,大小:396 KB ,格式:LRTemplate ,包含现代干净充满活力的发光胶片效果婚礼Lightroom预设文件。建议使用最新版本Lightingroom软件打开,CG数据库整理

Adobe Lightroom是一款以后期制作为重点的图形工具,是当今数字拍摄工作流程中不可或缺的一部分。其增强的校正工具、强大的组织功能以及灵活的打印选项可以帮助您加快图片后期处理速度,将更多的时间投入拍摄。Adobe的目标是将其打造成未来数字图形处理的标准,Lightroom的界面和功能与苹果推出的 Aperture颇为相似,主要面向数码摄影、图形设计等专业人士和高端用户,支持各种RAW图像,主要用于数码相片的浏览、编辑、整理、打印等.



2、在搜索程序和文件栏中,输入%appdata%,按下回车键。这时候你会看到文件目录窗口打开了。找到Adobe文件夹里的Lightroom文件夹,将这个文件夹重新命名为“old lightroom”别关窗口,一会还要用。


4、回到前面的那个“old lightroom”文件夹,将其恢复命名为“lightroom”,系统也许会提示你有些文件设置被合并和覆盖。选择确认。

5、从这个文件夹下打开其中的Preferences文件夹。找到文件Lightroom 5 Preferences.agprefs,如果你使用别的版本,这个5将会是4或是其他数字。

6、重新命名为OldLightroom 4 Preferences.agprefs。


These Presets will create a luminous film toned photo edit. Luminous Film Wedding helps brighten up shadows, increase saturation in your colors, add a mild film grain, increase the depth image, adds a vibrant tone, tone the white levels, and add a classic film tone. Brighten up your wedding photography and give it that modern clean film look. This is compatible with both Lightroom CS4-6 & Creative Cloud Version & Photoshop CS4-CS6 & Creative Cloud Version.

*But depending on the lighting setting you are in this could change. But a low f stop, and lowest ISO you can be at without making your image grainy works well. If you are shooting in automatic mode the portrait mode, or aperture priority mode will work well too. If you have questions about camera setting to achieve this look feel free to send us a direct message we are always happy to help no matter what level of photography you are at. We don't want to just sell you presets to change the tone and look of your work, we want to help you achieve your own signature look and help you achieve better photographs.

This set includes 3 Presets for Lightroom and 3 Presets for Photoshop

Compatible with PC and Mac

Installation & Instructions Included

International Orders Accepted

Instant Download


3 Luminous Film Wedding Presets for Lightroom:

Luminous Film Wedding

Luminous Film Wedding- to give a less dramatic effect

Luminous Film Wedding+ to give a more dramatic effect

3 uminous Film Wedding Presets for Photoshop Camera Raw:

Luminous Film Wedding

Luminous Film Wedding- to give a less dramatic effect

Luminous Film Wedding+ to give a more dramatic effect

Tool Kit for Lightroom with 15 Tool Presets to help you correct your white balance, noise, sharpness, brightness, contrast, saturation, etc. For issues that were not fixable in camera. These can be stacked on top of your presets as a finisher to help achieve the perfect edit.


发布日期: 2017-3-14