CG数据库 >> iToo ForestPack森林草丛植物生成3dsmax插件V5.2 Win版 ITOO FOREST PACK PRO 5.2

本合辑是由itoosoft机构出品的iToo ForestPack森林草丛植物生成3dsmax插件V5.2 Win版,大小:540 MB,支持3dsmax 2010-2017软件,支持Win系统,语言:英语。

Forest Pack Pro (专业森林制作)是 Itoo 出品的一款可以让你在短时间内做出专业的大面积树林,草丛,人群等等的插件。尤其在制作大场景的建筑动画,制作效果非常棒;它在普通的机器上一秒钟就可以创建出 50000 棵树木,且渲染速度奇快,是 3D Studio Max 和 3D Studio Viz 的高级专业森林植物插件;自带的 2D 树库,非常强大,从 3.6 版本开始,插件增加自带了 3D 树库,绝对堪称经典。

Forest Pack Pro (专业森林制作)要是与专业的 RailClone Pro (参数化建模)搭配制作大型环境场景,那将是极品中的极品,制作效果又快又好,可控性强,且自由度高,完全参数化操作,这二个插件都带有模块制作功能,可自由制作自己想要的参数化模块,对你的工作绝对是事半功倍的极品插件,值得拥有!


Forest Pack is a plugin for Autodesk 3ds Max, and 3ds Max Design, designed to give a complete solution for creation of vast surfaces of trees and plants.

Forest enables you to scatter millions of proxies, high-poly meshes or billboards, and using custom geometry shaders, create scenes with virtually unlimited number of objects and polygons.

Architectural Visualization

Forest Pack offers unprecedented power, speed, and flexibility to create landscapes that look great and render fast. Create scenes that can be viewed from any angle and minimise the need for time-consuming post-production.

Visual Effects, Forest Pack

Visual Effects

Forest Pack has unrivalled animation features. Use animated meshes and proxies then randomise their time offset, or drive playback using maps to provide even more ways to create jaw-dropping VFX for film, animation, TV, and motion graphics projects.

Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Forest Pack

Architecture, Engineering, Construction

Forest Pack fits perfectly into interactive design processes. Scatters are fully parametric so making changes is fast and easy – which means less time spent updating scenes, and more time spent designing.


iToo ForestPack森林草丛植物生成3dsmax插件V5.2 Win版 ITOO FOREST PACK PRO 5.2的图片1

发布日期: 2017-3-27