本视频教程是由PluralSight机构出品的Revit与Civil 3D高效协作工作技巧视频教程,时长:1小时18分,大小:3.3 GB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Revit 2017, Civil 3D 2016,作者:Steve Bennett,共14个章节,语言:英语。
AutodeskRevit作为一种应用程序提供,它结合了AutodeskRevit Architecture、AutodeskRevit MEP和AutodeskRevit Structure软件的功能
PluralSight软件开发在线教育平台是美国的一家面向软件开发者的在线教育课程服务商,Pluralsight成立于2004年;专注在线下开班式的服务,直到2008年才转向在线教育。目前Pluralsight在全球100个国家服务超过20万个用户,提供超过400个在线课程。除了个人用户外,Pluralsight还提供为企业的培训服务。Pluralsight提供的课程类型包括:C#、jQuery、iOS与Android、Java、 Ruby以及包括设计、社会化媒体、NoSQL、商业智能和Salesforce等。在收费方面,Pluralsight会收取用户每月29美元,以获取其大量关于教程的视频、文章、以及其他资料等。此外,还有一项每月49美元的服务,即可以通过线下课程接受培训。
Have you ever found yourself trying to efficiently manage models between multiple design firms for a building project? If so, Coordinating Civil, Architecture & Structure Models with Revit is the perfect course for you because you will learn how to effectively manage these models the right way, every time. First, you’ll learn how to utilize Shared Coordinates between Revit & Civil 3D models and ensure they drop into the correct geolocations every time. Next, using Copy/Monitor and interference checking, you will see how to manage and change data between Revit models, identify items of conflict between two Revit models, and resolve the conflict between them. Finally, you’ll learn effective ways to manage the visual properties of Views in Revit using View Templates and View Filters. When you’re finished with this Revit course, you’ll not only have a manageable workflow, but you’ll also be able to efficiently collaborate and coordinate your effort between multiple disciplines. Software required: Revit 2017, Civil 3D 2016.
发布日期: 2017-3-27