CG数据库 >> Mental Ray渲染引擎3dsmax插件V2017版 NVIDIA MENTAL RAY FOR AUTODESK 3DS MAX 20

本插件是关于Mental Ray渲染引擎3dsmax插件V2017版,大小:220 MB,支持3dsmax2017版本软件,支持Win系统,语言:英语。

Mental ray是一个专业的3D渲染引擎,它可以生成令人难以置信的高质量真实感图象。现在你可以在3D Studio的高性能网络渲染中直接控制Mental ray 。它在电影领域得到了广泛的应用和认可,被认为是市场上最高级的三维渲染解决方案之一。

大名鼎鼎的德国渲染器mental ray,是一个将光线追踪算法推向极致的产品,利用这一渲染器,我们可以实现反射,折射,焦散,全局光照明等其他渲染器很难实现的效果。BBC的著名全动画科教节目《与恐龙同行》就是用mental ray渲染的。逼真的实现了那些神话般的远古生物。


NVIDIA® mental ray® rendering software delivers images of exceptional quality and unrivaled realism in combining light simulations with high physical accuracy with advanced programming capabilities.

Let your imagination speak to create all imaginable visual effects.

This high-performance 3D rendering software offers you countless detailed information to enable you to create incredible images

based on advanced ray-tracing techniques.

Used by industry professionals for over 25 years,

mental ray has become a standard of photorealistic rendering in the film industry,

visual effects and design.

Iray is an interactive, intuitive,

physical-based rendering technology that creates photorealistic images that perfectly simulate the real physical behavior of light and materials.

Unlike recreation tools, NVIDIA Iray technology makes it easy to get results that reflect real physical behaviors,

freeing designers from the need to master complex computer graphics to get a photorealistic result.

Iray gradually refine each image during its creation, providing the highest quality results – from editing to previewing to final rendering.

This highly predictive tire tailored the powerful and scalable performance of NVIDIA GPUs to ensure constant user control and fast results.

NVIDIA Iray technology accelerates the rendering of the scene and the search for images of an unprecedented photorealism.

Who is Iray for?

Iray focuses on designers and special effects creators who work with 3D content and require photorealistic images with consistent performance.

This solution on NVIDIA offers a return to the market and the creation of beautiful images for the industry, from architecture to engineering, to marketing and production of special effects for the publicity.

Compatible configuration:

Operating system Microsoft® Windows® 64bits: 7 (SP1), 8, 8.1, 10

Autodesk 3DS Max 2017

Intel® or AMD® multi-core processor

1GB Video Card

4GB of RAM minimum (8GB recommended)

Mental Ray渲染引擎3dsmax插件V2017版 NVIDIA MENTAL RAY FOR AUTODESK 3DS MAX 20的图片1

发布日期: 2017-4-6