本软件是由Autodesk公司出品的Autodesk Stingray 2018游戏引擎软件V1.8.1267.0版,大小:1.1 GB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。
Stingray游戏引擎集成了3ds Max和Maya以及Maya LT等动画制作软件,还加入了Beast、 HumanIK、Navigation、Scaleform Studio、Wwise以及NVidia PhysX等工具,开发者们可以在该引擎中实时、可视化的看到做出的游戏调整,还可以在多个平台实时测试和研发游戏,目前支持iOS、Android、Windows7/8、Oculus Rift Devkit2、PS4以及Xbox One等平台。
在“Bitsquid”基础上加入Autodesk收购的GI及动态照明的“Beast”、Full body IK角色动画的“HumanIK”及敌方角色等AI的“Gameware Navigation”(旧Kynapse),GUI的“Scaleform Studio”(旧Scaleform GFx),将这些组合之后,正是这款让人有些吃惊的混合引擎“Stingray”。整合各种功能,的确似乎能够得到一个还不错的游戏引擎。然而其功能有重复的部分,理论上并不是简单整合就得到最优的结果。开发方在这些基础上,以从GDC2015期间最终测试版得到的反馈为基础反复改善,终于要放出正式版了。事实上,“Scaleform”就被大幅改造,从基于Flash脚本改成了“Bitsquid”的Lua语言。
“Stingray”的目标是实现逼真的游戏世界,而其中介绍的《神秘海域4》则是实例。这令人震惊。因为顽皮狗(Naughty Dog)的话,理应能够使用SCE世界工作室的资源,没有必要去使用第三方提供商的游戏引擎。
对于不熟悉美术创作的童鞋们来说,想要知道Stingray引擎到底带来了什么进步就需要先了解传统的创作流程。在游戏行业,绝大多数的美术师都会使用Autodesk制作的应用比如3ds Max、Maya、以及Mudbox等等。
而目前来说,一个美术师的工作流程往往需要多个不同的软件,所有的软件都在不同的阶段需要对应的美术资源。对于3D软件来说,比如Autodesk的Maya和3ds Max主要是用于简单的多边形建模、skeletal rigging、以及动画制作。而2D项目则主要使用Adobe的Photoshop这样的软件,用于调整和绘制纹理贴图。像Pixologic的ZBrush和Autodesk的Mudbox等高端的雕塑软件则用于创造渲染前的建模并且生成特殊的游戏内纹理贴图(比如常规地图)。
Autodesk Inc., a world leader in 3D design software for entertainment, natural resources, manufacturing, engineering, construction, and civil infrastructure, has released 1.8 version of Stingray Game engine, a game engine and 3D application aimed at indie game developers.
Autodesk Stingray was released back in 2015, but before we take on the game engine right away, let’s clear the dust about its maker. Autodesk is the owner of corporate software like AutoCad, 3D Studio Max, Maya, Maya LT, and ZBrush, all of which dominate the arena of 3D design engineering, game design, and animation. So the news of Autodesk rolling out Stingray was a pleasant surprise not for game developers but 3D artists as well.
Stingray beats down other 3D game engines because of the native relation between Stingray and its factory mate software used for building 3D characters and environments. The offer might be new, but Autodesk has a reputation of not quitting on their stuff without making the products wholesome, so expect top of the class functionalities and features in coming days including user-developed plugins. If you are thinking about rendering, then nothing does it better than Autodesk’s Beast.
Stingray 1.8 includes a new non-interactive mode for the light baker, built-in support for splash screens in the appkit, and experimental support for the Hololens platform. Now that both WebAssembly and WebGL 2.0 are released, the workflow to run your project in a web browser has officially graduated out of experimental mode, and the process to deploy is smoother than ever.
In addition, you’ll find some nice usability improvements in the Capture Frames tool, the Particle Editor, and the Asset Browser. An updated GoogleVR template lets you create hybrid apps that can run with or without VR. Plug-in developers will want to check out the new public stingray-plugin repo on GitHub, which has everything you need to get started, including a great new tutorial.
发布日期: 2017-4-22