本AE模板是由Videohive机构出品的绚丽多彩的光线粒子拖尾企业时间轴展示幻灯片AE模板,大小: 107 Mb,格式:AEP ,分辨率:1920x1080 ,使用软件版本: CS4 - CC 2015,内附使用教程。
AE模板是由After Effects软件生成的一种工程文件,能够渲染出美轮美奂的动画特效,文件中包括音乐、图片、视频、脚本等素材。适用与宣传片、电视台、影视公司,电影电视剧等宣传与特效动画制作。
Videohive Rainbow Corporate Timeline Evolution 19685943
An Eye popping, diverse, organic pre-rendered particle lines.
Fresh way to display a 5-step progress system with a polish and gloss.
Good for a Timeline, or any thing that requires a bullet point system.
Just drop in your logo, change the texts and hit the render button.
The External text placeholders in After Effects match the pre-rendered DOF from the external 3D Application.
Alpha channel, 20 Seconds in length, 1920×1080 px, 30 FPS, H.264 pre-rendered Mov files included.
6 Placeholders for Text and 1 for the End Logo
Fonts used are Dosis
发布日期: 2017-6-7