CG数据库 >> 超精细的C4D迷宫跟踪插件

本插件是超精细的C4D迷宫跟踪插件,大小:18.3 MB,支持Cinema4D R15-18版软件,支持Win MAC系统,语言:英语。插件可以模拟真实的下雪以及积雪的效果。

Cinema 4D是一套由德国公司Maxon Computer开发的3D绘图软件,以及高的运算速度和强大的渲染插件著称。Cinema 4D 应用广泛,在广告、电影、工业设计、等方面都有出色的表现,例如影片《阿凡达》有花鸦三维影动研究室中国工作人员使用Cinema 4D制作了部分场景,在这样的大片中看到C4D的表现是很优秀的。在其他动画电影中也使用到C4D的有很多如《毁灭战士》(Doom)、《范海辛》〈Van Helsing〉、《蜘蛛侠》、以及动画片《极地特快》、《丛林总动员》(Open Season)等等。它正成为许多一流艺术家和电影公司的首选,Cinema 4D已经走向成熟,很多模块的功能在同类软件中是代表科技进步的成果。


Unzip the folder to your CINEMA/plugins/ folder and restart CINEMA. After extraction the files (cinema4dsdk.cdl, cinema4dsdk.vcproj, etc.) should lie in CINEMA/plugins/Maze Trace/.


The plugin contains two objects that can be found under the plugins->Maze Trace menu entry, Maze Trace and Point Generator.

Maze Trace

A generator (place objects under it) that takes polygon objects and connects their points in interesting ways (it tries naïvely to solve the Traveling Salesman Problem by connecting each point to its nearest neighbor).

Point Generator

A helper object that generates random points on the surface of an input object. Since the output object only consists of points it will not show up in the 3d view unless you use it as an input to another generator, such as the Maze Trace.

Maximum Segment Length

Delete segments longer than this. Useful for getting rid of occasional lines connecting different parts of the model.


When checked the Maximum Segment Length is a multiplier of neighboring points, otherwise it's an absolute length.

Point Generator

Num Points

The number of points to generate on the surface of the object



发布日期: 2017-6-20