本游戏资料是个关于标准易于使用的UI文本效果GUI脚本Unity游戏素材资源,大小:1.47 MB,格式:unitypackage,使用软件:Unity,供广大设计师学习使用,语言:英语。
Unity3D是一个让你轻松创作的多平台的游戏开发工具,是一个全面整合的专业游戏引擎。Unity代表了一个质的飞跃——内置的光照贴图(lightmapping)、遮挡剔除(occlusion culling)和调试器。编辑器经过彻底革新,让你可以获得卓越的性能体验。不可思议、无法阻挡的产品已经看到了曙光。
Unity是一款跨平台的游戏开发工具,从一开始就被设计成易于使用的产品。作为一个完全集成的专业级应用,Unity还包含了价值数百万美元的功能强大的游戏引擎。Unity 4作为一个游戏开发工具,它的设计主旨就是让你能够创建令人惊讶的游戏。如果你之前尝试过Unity,请查看Unity 3都做了哪些更新。如果你是第一次尝试,那就好好看看吧,看Unity都能为你带来什么。Unity作为一种开发环境,可让你脱离传统的游戏开发方式,以一种更简单的方式专注于你的游戏开发。开发网络游戏、移动游戏、单机游戏,Unity都能完全胜任。
UI Text Effects Scripting GUI
Tag of Joy
Requires Unity 5.2.3 or higher.
UI Text Effects are a set of effects for the standard Unity UI (uGUI) Text.
- All script and shader sources included!
- Extremely easy to use - just choose the effect from the component menu, and it's applied.
- Add fancy titles, custom text appearance, mix multiple effects.
- Rich Text support.
- Mobile platform support.
12 extremely valuable effects:
- Better Outline: a more continuous outline than the standard one.
- Gradient Color: global/local, vertical/horizontal, override/additive/multiply.
- Depth Effect: add thickness to text.
- Soft Shadow: blurry shadow.
- Outer Bevel: add outer lit and shaded edges.
- Skew Effect: add horizontal+vertical transformations and perspective.
- Curve Effect: bend or distort text vertically.
- Character Spacing: increase or decrease the distance between individual characters.
- Limit Visible Characters: hide characters, make a typewriter.
- Overlay Texture: add an image overlay, local/global, override/additive/multiply.
- Inner Bevel: add lit and shaded edges inside the characters, override/additive/multiply (only "override" on SM2 level GPUs).
- Inner Outline: add outline inside the characters, override/additive/multiply.
- With this package, you can finally echo effects from Photoshop or Word, while still using the standard Unity UI Text.
- Suggestions for new effects are very welcome. The newly made effects will be added to the package.
发布日期: 2017-7-6