本插件是由chaosgroup公司出品的V-Ray渲染器Maya2017插件V3.5版,大小:920 MB,支持Maya2017版软件,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。
Vray是由chaosgroup和asgvis公司出品的一款高质量渲染软件。VRay是目前业界最受欢迎的渲染引擎。基于V-Ray 内核开发的有VRay for 3ds max、Maya、Sketchup、Rhino等诸多版本,为不同领域的优秀3D建模软件提供了高质量的图片和动画渲染。除此之外,VRay也可以提供单独的渲染程序,方便使用者渲染各种图片。
V-RAY FOR MAYA 2017 X64 3.5-35203
Latest VRay for Maya 2017
all features is working , but tiny watermarks on CPU rendering still exists.
you can use all post processing effects, include adding Background Image.
but sometimes in CPU rendering some tiny watermarks appear
OpenCL and CUDA rendering working fine
all thanks to 1rv4n
to install
1. Copy and replace vrayformaya.mll medicine to
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2017\vray\plug-ins
2. Load vray plug-in in Maya Plug-in Manager Menu
Windows > Settings/Preferences > Plug-in Manager
3. done.
发布日期: 2017-7-6