CG数据库 >> VRayScatter物体数量增强模拟Maya插件V4.445版 VRAYSCATTER 4.445 FOR MAYA 2014-2

本插件是由Vray公司出品的VRayScatter物体数量增强模拟Maya插件V4.445版,大小:35 MB,支持3dsmax 2015-2016版软件,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。


破解步骤:安装插件,将破解文件夹中对应版本的VRayScatter.mll拷贝到C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya20xx\bin\plug-ins


Chaos Group, a leading provider of state of the art rendering solutions for the media, entertainment, and design industries,announced the release of VRayScatter 4.445 for Autodesk Maya 2014-2017. With this plug-in, it is possible to create complicated scenes with a huge amount of objects easy and quickly.

Usually scenes in Maya with a great amount of even identical objects take a lot of space on HDD, consumes time for loading, and very hard to work with. VRayScatter for Maya solves these problems.

About Chaos Group. Chaos Group is a worldwide leader in computer graphics technology, helping artists and designers create photoreal imagery and animation for design, television, and feature films. Chaos Group specializes in physically-based rendering and simulation software used daily by top design studios, architectural firms, advertising agencies, and visual effects companies around the globe. Today, the company’s research and development in cloud rendering, material scanning, and virtual reality is shaping the future of creative storytelling and digital design. Founded in 1997, Chaos Group is privately owned with offices in Sofia, Los Angeles, Baltimore, Seoul, and Tokyo.

VRayScatter物体数量增强模拟Maya插件V4.445版 VRAYSCATTER 4.445 FOR MAYA 2014-2的图片1
VRayScatter物体数量增强模拟Maya插件V4.445版 VRAYSCATTER 4.445 FOR MAYA 2014-2的图片2

发布日期: 2017-8-16