本教程是关于Civil 3D点控技术训练视频教程,时长:1小时39分,大小:860 MB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Civil 3D 2018,作者:Sam Lucido,共28个章节,语言:英语。
AutoCAD Civil 3D软件是一款面向土木工程行业的建筑信息模型(BIM)解决方案,能够帮助项目团队更加高效地设计、分析和可视化项目。内置的地理空间和雨水分析、工程算量和三维可视化工具可以帮助土木工程师在实际建造项目前探索假设情景,优化项目性能。支持自动化操作指南的工具能够优化施工规划及项目执行流程。
作为一款面向土木工程行业的建筑信息模型(BIM)解决方案,AutoCAD Civil 3D软件能够帮助项目团队更加高效地交付质量更高的交通运输、土地开发以及环境项目。Civil 3D能够在项目的实际建造流程开始前帮助土木工程师探索设计方案,分析假设情境并优化性能。该软件采用基于模型的方法,有助于简化耗时的任务并保持设计的协调性,进而提高文档和可视化作品的质量。该软件能够扩展Civil 3D模型数据,执行地理空间和雨水分析,生成材料算量信息,更好地支持施工阶段自动化操作指南。使用户获得BIM带来的竞争优势,帮助其交付更具创新的项目解决方案。
Civil 3D points can help you tackle and solve many engineering problems. In this course, Getting Started Using Points in Civil 3D, you will see how to import points, manipulate points, and use points to create design elements. First, you will be introduced to points and what they represent in Civil 3D. Next, you will go over how point styles control the display of the marker in Civil 3D as well as, seeing how AutoCAD Civil 3D transparent commands are used to specify point locations within a larger operation, such as the creation of an alignment or a parcel lot line. Finally, you will use description keys to automatically control some drawing point properties, such as the appearance of a point in the drawing, when you create or import points. When you are finished with this course, you will be better equipped to use points in Civil 3D. Software required: Civil 3D 2018.
发布日期: 2018-1-28