CG数据库 >> 50组光学耀斑背景氛围光透明素材与PS动作

本平面素材是50组光学耀斑背景氛围光透明素材与PS动作,大小:30 MB,格式:ATN,JPG,为设计师提供精彩绝伦的灵感素材,使用软件:建议Photoshop CC或以上版本。

Adobe Photoshop,简称“PS”,是由Adobe Systems开发和发行的图像处理软件,主要处理以像素所构成的数字图像。使用其众多的编修与绘图工具,可以有效地进行图片编辑工作。ps有很多功能,在图像、图形、文字、视频、出版等各方面都有涉及。


A magnificent collection of 50 Optical Flare Overlay Effects to ensure that your photos have acquired a new charm, artistry and emotionality.

Suitable for both amateurs and professionals. Excellent results on color and black and white photos. For your convenience, the added actions for selecting and overlaying overlays in the Screen mode. This will work both in Photoshop and in Photoshop Elements. The Optical Flare Overlay Effects can be used in any graphics editor, which supports layer overlay in the Screen mode.

If you want to enhance the overlay brightness, for example on a light photo, change the blend mode to Linear Dodge (add)


50 Optical Flare Overlay Effects JPG 3000x2000

Overlay Actions.atn

User Guide.pdf


发布日期: 2018-3-1