CG数据库 >> Vizpark Material Manager材质贴图管理3dmax插件V1.2.5版+材质库

本插件是关于Vizpark Material Manager材质贴图管理3dmax插件V1.2.5版+材质库,大小:1.9 GB,支持3dsmax软件,支持Win64位系统,附材质库,语言:英语。

VP MATERIAL MANAGER注册破解版是一款非常实用的多功能3DSMAX管理工具,如果您正在查找材料或地图预设,则不希望浪费时间搜索多个材质库。 Material Manager的ATTRIBUTES部分使查找预设变得轻而易举。只需点击描述材料特征的属性,您就会看到适合的结果。按颜色,类型,地图或材质进行过滤,甚至只需在搜索字段中输入即可进行搜索。使用可以帮助用户轻松管理3DSMAX®中的材料,地图和位图,材质预设现在可以拥有ATTRIBUTES,可以使用集成的属性过滤器轻松过滤,支持通过文件夹快速查找所需要的材料,支持选择属性组合,内置的预设管理器将实时显示符合属性的所有材料,让你的查找速度更加迅速,除此之外,Vizpark Material Manager在中央库数据库中存储位图,以确保在加载物料时发现位图。Vizpark Material Manager还可以使用即时搜索结果,快速、快速地修改和编辑属性、添加评论、速率预设、创建收藏夹等等

The VP MATERIAL MANAGER is a new innovative tool to manage materials, maps and bitmaps within 3DS MAX® in ways never possible before. Material presets can now have ATTRIBUTES that can easily be filtered with the integrated attribute filters. The times are over where you needed to dive through folders to find the material you need. Just select the combination of attributes and the preset manager will show you the materials that fit these attributes. Finding materials was really never faster!

Besides this new way of finding and loading presets, the MATERIAL MANAGER also manages bitmaps in a completely new way. MATERIAL MANAGER stores the bitmaps in a central library database to ensure that bitmaps are found when materials are loaded. Really, who wants to loose time by re-locating lost bitmaps …

Gone are the times when loading materials resulted in lost or non-assigned bitmaps where you had to find and re-assign the bitmaps manually.

Among these main benefits, MATERIAL MANAGER has much more to offer. You can use the wild-card search with instant results that a blazingly fast, change and edit attributes, add comments, rate presets, create favorites and many more.

发布日期: 2018-5-14