CG数据库 >> Maya医学解剖医疗动画基础训练视频教程

本教程是关于Maya医学解剖医疗动画基础训练视频教程,时长:1小时31分,大小:890 MB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Maya,共13个章节,作者:Emily Holden (McDougall),语言:英语。

Maya参与制作的电影有:法国国宝级艺术家Jean Giraud,他原创的影片有《第五元素》、《异形》、《星战》等,并参与制作了《沙丘魔堡》、《深渊》等经典科幻电影;导演Glenn Chaika,著名动画片导演,曾在迪斯尼担任《小美人鱼》的动画师,并执导《拇指仙童历险记》、《花木兰II》等影片;模型监制Wayne Kennedy是曾参与过《隐形人》、《星球大战》、《龙卷风》、《黑衣人》、《木乃伊》的模型师;动画监制Bob Koch和Kelvin Lee是担任《 玩具总动员》、《精灵鼠小弟》等影片的资深动画师;特效指导Manny Wong曾担任《后天》的特效总监,并参与制作了《狂莽之灾I》、《星河战舰》、《巨蟒》、《魔女游戏》等影片。

《Maya全面核心训练视频教程》中文字幕教程:Medical animations indulge our curiosity about the human body by allowing us to peer within at key biological processes and anatomy. They are valuable communication tools for teaching healthcare professionals, trainees, and the general public about the wonders of the human body. In this course, learn about the basic principles and techniques of 3D medical animation using Autodesk Maya 2018. Discover where to find good resources and references, how to use the Protein Data Bank to download 3D models for molecular animation, and how to approach storyboarding. Learn how to create some basic medical animations, including cell division and blood cell flow. Plus, explore common visual aesthetics in medical animations and see how to use lighting and material shading to make your animations stand out.《Maya全面核心训练视频教程》中文字幕教程:


发布日期: 2018-6-11