CG数据库 >> ZBrush数字雕刻和绘画软件V2018.1 Win版

本软件是由pixologic机构出品的ZBrush数字雕刻和绘画软件V2018.1 Win版,大小:1.2 GB,支持Win系统,语言:英语。

ZBrush为数字雕塑树立行业标杆。 强大功能使您能够在提供即时反馈的实时环境下,使用可定制笔刷系统完成虚拟黏土形状、纹理和绘制。在使用 ZBrush 时,您将获得与世界各地电影工作室、游戏开发人员、玩具/藏品制造商、珠宝设计师、汽车/航空设计师、插图画家和艺术家所用工具相同的卓越体验。

Pixologic 隆重推出 Sculptris Pro 动态镶嵌雕塑工作流程,使您能够打破多边形分布局限,自由挥洒雕塑创意!无论是有十个还是一万个多边形,Sculptris Pro 都能让您开始创建任何形状或模型。对于捕捉细节,完全不必担心多边形数量问题。凭借 Sculptris Pro,只需使用笔刷绘制表面即可。 Sculptris Pro 会根据需要动态自适应地增减多边形数量,让您完全集中精力实现理想外观。



ZBrush 2018 提供 PolyGroup It 功能,以全新方式创建流畅工作流程所必需的多边形组。 PolyGroup It 实时准确评估模型表面,只需鼠标单击操作即可生成智能分组。创建多边形组从未如此简单轻松。通过 PolyGroup It,您可对称删除、添加、复制粘贴,缩放和创建多边形组,甚至还可使用多边形绘制功能精确绘制出理想的多边形组外观。

ZBRUSH 2018 其他新增功能:








为3D Print Hub(3D打印工具集) 增加输出大小

Scultpris Pro 新增蛇形线笔刷


现在可将QuickSave(快速保存) 保存到任何硬盘驱动器


如果存在HD 几何图形级别,则从最高细分级别创建置换贴图

2018.1 Update


Added various changes to increase ZBrush sculpting and navigation speed.

Added ‘Go To Unmasked Center’ button for use with Gizmo3D center option.

Added ‘Uvb’ and ‘Uvbt’ (UV-Box and UV-Box tiles) UV map creation options.

Added option to export Smooth Normals with OBJ files.

Added ZModeler Inset proportional option. (A Single Poly only. CTRL modifier)

Added a warning when loading custom brushes with auto-masking enabled if Sculptris Pro is active.

Added a MatCap Red Wax material so it will no longer be fully replaced when using ‘Save As Startup Material’.


Fixed Groups Border weighted smooth mode (Smooth Groups Brush).

Fixed iCloud Photos shortcut issue.

Fixed GoZ Photoshop Crash.

Fixed GoZ Max has been updated to work with 3ds Max 2017, 2018, & 2019.

Fixed double clicking not opening ZPR or ZTL files on the MacOS.

Fixed issues with tablet pressure on MacOS.

Fixed ZRemesher density control with Polypainting on MacOS.

Fixed CTRL + Drag duplicated crash when using the Gizmo3D.

Fixed issue with geometry position sliders staying active when inputting values.

Fixed issue with lightbox not opening with large number of loaded brushes.

Fixed issue with VDM brushes when applying with textures.

Fixed ‘Draw Transformation Border’ not storing with Config.

Fixed ZBrush not responding after restoring from minimize on MacOS.

Fixed typing with a French keyboard on MacOS.

Fixed importing of PNG files on MacOS.

Fixed custom UI not storing when in full screen mode on MacOS.

Fixed Screen Saver from activating when ZBrush is launched on MacOS.

Fixed computer not sleeping when ZBrush is launched on MacOS.

Fixed issue after UI is saved in window mode on Windows.

Fixed issue of UI not being saved in fullscreen on secondary monitor on Windows.

Fixed UV Planar smoothing UVs when applied. Now smoothing will only take place when SUV in the Tool>Geometry is enabled.

ZBrush is advancing yet again with the release of ZBrush 2018! Another FREE UPGRADE for all registered ZBrush users, ZBrush 2018 continues Pixologic’s commitment to bringing innovative, workflow-revolutionizing features to the world of digital art.

Just copy across and replace the existing zbrush.exe in the zbrush 2018 folder :



发布日期: 2018-6-23