CG数据库 >> NVIDIA Mental Ray渲染引擎Maya插件V3.14.5.1版

本插件是关于NVIDIA Mental Ray渲染引擎Maya插件V3.14.5.1版,大小:1.5 GB,支持3dsmax2016 - 2018版本软件,支持Win与Mac系统,语言:英语。

Mental ray是一个专业的3D渲染引擎,它可以生成令人难以置信的高质量真实感图象。现在你可以在3D Studio的高性能网络渲染中直接控制Mental ray 。它在电影领域得到了广泛的应用和认可,被认为是市场上最高级的三维渲染解决方案之一。

大名鼎鼎的德国渲染器mental ray,是一个将光线追踪算法推向极致的产品,利用这一渲染器,我们可以实现反射,折射,焦散,全局光照明等其他渲染器很难实现的效果。BBC的著名全动画科教节目《与恐龙同行》就是用mental ray渲染的。逼真的实现了那些神话般的远古生物。

NVIDIA mental ray for Maya is a plug-in rendering solution, seamlessly integrated into Autodesk Maya®. The industry standard renderer you have counted upon for years is now available directly from those creating it. Maya artists now receive interactive viewport rendering and easy-to-use global illumination with substantial GPU-acceleration, in addition to all previous functionality and compatibility.


The latest features shipping with mental ray 3.14 and integrated into Autodesk 3dsMax 2017 and Autodesk Maya 2016 include:

New Global Illumination Engine

New Global Illumination solution that is easy to use, physically accurate, and fast

New GI Next engine with full support of mental ray shaders, motion blur, depth of field, hair, volumes and particles.

Easily controlled by a single “quality” parameter.

Up to 2-4X faster than Final Gather Force GI

Over 10X faster again by adding a GPU vs. a 14-core CPU

Only geometry is loaded into GPU memory, allowing texture-heavy scenes to be GPU accelerated.

Easy to adopt for any scene set-up up to use GI by choosing the new method.

Performance Scaling

NVIDIA® mental ray® supports any number or combination of GPUs and CPUs running within the same machine, and gives you control over which are being used for rendering. Load balancing between GPUs of different sizes, types, and generations are automatic – Even older systems transform into powerful, cost effective rendering nodes by adding NVIDIA GPUs.

Performance Scaling

NVIDIA Material Definition Language

Render physically based materials in NVIDIA’s MDL format

Load MDL materials directly for use in mental ray

Freely access +1,000 materials from the NVIDIA vMaterials library for accurate starting points to your own custom needs.

MDL material capabilities vary, with many having the power and flexibility of traditional mental ray Shaders.

Supports all mental ray effects like a traditional shader

Reuse MDL materials with other MDL-compliant renderers like NVIDIA Iray

Light Importance Sampling by Default

Modern lighting setups rendered far more quickly by default

Light Importance Sampling (LIS) optimization is now enabled by default

Efficient sampling of area lights, light cards, emissive geometry, image-based lighting allows lights to be added without degrading performance

Lighting quality is achieved faster and with less noise

Very feasible to use with thousands of traditional lights

Built-in logic and heuristics apply LIS based on benefit and quality balance.

NVIDIA Mental Ray渲染引擎Maya插件V3.14.5.1版的图片1
NVIDIA Mental Ray渲染引擎Maya插件V3.14.5.1版的图片2
NVIDIA Mental Ray渲染引擎Maya插件V3.14.5.1版的图片3
NVIDIA Mental Ray渲染引擎Maya插件V3.14.5.1版的图片4

发布日期: 2018-8-7