CG数据库 >> Zbrush高端游戏角色模型制作大师级训练视频教程

本教程是关于Zbrush高端游戏角色模型制作大师级训练视频教程,时长:5小时,大小:3.2 GB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:ZBrush 4R8,TopoGun 2.0,3ds Max 2016,Marmoset Toolbag,附源文件,作者:gavin goulden,共12个章节,语言:英语。

ZBrush 是一个数字雕刻和绘画软件,它以强大的功能和直观的工作流程彻底改变了整个三维行业。

在一个简洁的界面中,ZBrush 为当代数字艺术家提供了世界上最先进的工具。

以实用的思路开发出的功能组合,在激发艺术家创作力的同时,ZBrush 产生了一种用户感受,在操作时会感到非常的顺畅。

ZBrush 能够雕刻高达 10 亿多边形的模型,所以说限制只取决于的艺术家自身的想象力。






In this game art tutorial, you’ll learn everything you need to know in order to model high-end characters for games. Gavin will take you through all the steps and will guide you on your journey to becoming a better game artist. There’s more than 5 hours of quality training in this series, covering everything you need to know in order to get started with modeling for games.Character DesignOne of the hardest aspects of any character is the character design phase. Gavin covers his entire thought process when it comes to the character design – from creating a backstory, to in-depth sculpting techniques.TopologyLearn how to do efficient face topology using Topogun. Gavin goes through all the steps, showing you how to make clean and good topology – which is ready for AAA games.Clothing and CostumeMaking clothing and costumes is always incredibly tricky to get right, but after watching this series, you’ll feel a lot more comfortable starting your own costumes. Learn how to use Insert Mesh Brushes in ZBrush to speed up making zippers and buttons.Presenting Your WorkAt the end of the series, you’ll learn how to present your work in a professional manner, using Marmoset Toolbag. A good presentation can really make a huge difference, and the skills you learn will make your work shine.Final Character IncludedGet a unique look into an industry standard character – ready for an AAA game. One of the best ways to learn is to look through scene files where you can reverse engineer the choices made. You’ll have access to all the final files created by Gavin Goulden – including the final low poly character, the generic base mesh and the high poly ZBrush file.Industry VeteranCurrently working as a Lead Character Artist at Insomniac Games, Gavin Goulden is one of the most veteran game artists out there today! He worked as a lead artist on Bioshock Infinite and has a heavy resume under his belt. Check out more of Gavin’s amazing work on his ArtStation page.Software UsedZBrush 4R8TopoGun 2.03ds Max 2016Marmoset ToolbagFiles IncludedFinal ZBrush Project FileLow Poly Final ModelGeneric Base MeshMarmoset ProjectChapter List00 – Intro01 – Working From a Base Mesh02 – Additional Base Mesh Work03 – Sculpting the Face04 – Sculpting the Arms05 – Sculpting Clothing06 – Sculpting Armor07 – Detailing the Model08 – Hair Sculpting09 – Retopology of the Vest10 – Retopology of the Face11 – Topology Discussion12 – Presenting your work in Marmoset


发布日期: 2018-8-8