CG数据库 >> 西班牙地图拼凑动态特效创意设计AE模板

瑗跨彮鐗欏湴鍥炬嫾鍑戝姩鎬佺壒鏁堝垱鎰忚�捐��AE妯℃澘.rar (4.76 MB)

本模板是关于西班牙地图拼凑动态特效创意设计AE模板,大小:10 MB,格式:AEP ,分辨率:3840x2160,使用软件版本:AE CS6 - CC 2018。内附使用教程。

AE模板是由After Effects软件生成的一种工程文件,能够渲染出美轮美奂的动画特效,文件中包括音乐、图片、视频、脚本等素材。适用与宣传片、电视台、影视公司,电影电视剧等宣传与特效动画制作。




Spain Map Kit is a handy After Effects project that’s an invaluable addition to your library of motion graphics assets. The project is made up of every Autonomous Community of Spain, individually masked and separated onto 3D layers… so you can scale, position, hide, animate and alter as required.

Use a photo, video or logo as your main asset to represent the country. Add a background and you’re ready to render! Use the included animation of all the Autonomous Communities combining, or animate the camera and the individual country layers to tell your own story. Also includes map markers. Show the location of cities, landmarks, outlets or areas of interest. Animate and color the markers to match your branding. Use as few or as many as you need to show multiple locations across Spain.

Great for infographics, news items, documentaries, corporate videos and commercials. The project has been created in 4K resolution, but you can easily change the output to 2K, 1080p or 720p when rendering. Why spend hours masking out all the individual Autonomous Communities, when Spain Map Kit is all set up and ready to go!

Please note that aside from the main animation of all of the Autonomous Communities combining, all of the animations in the preview video are just ‘serving suggestions’, and are not included. The still images and videos used (aside from the Spanish flag) are not included either. Just add the perfect footage and photos and you’re good to go!

Check out our World Map Kit with every country of the world on separate 3D layers.



发布日期: 2018-8-17