CG数据库 >> 益智卡通小游戏可视化脚本Unity游戏素材资源

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本游戏资料是个关于益智卡通小游戏可视化脚本Unity游戏素材资源,大小:10 MB ,格式:unitypackage,使用软件:Unity,供广大设计师学习使用,语言:英语。

Unity3D是一个让你轻松创作的多平台的游戏开发工具,是一个全面整合的专业游戏引擎。Unity代表了一个质的飞跃——内置的光照贴图(lightmapping)、遮挡剔除(occlusion culling)和调试器。编辑器经过彻底革新,让你可以获得卓越的性能体验。不可思议、无法阻挡的产品已经看到了曙光。



• Flow Graphs

• State Graphs

• Beautiful Native Look

• Full Codebase Compatibility

• Lightning-Speed Reflection

• Human-Friendly Naming

• Built-in Documentation

• Live Editing

• Predictive Debugging & Analysis

• Grouping, Layout & Zoom

• Nesting & Reusability

• Easy Setup & Update

• Fuzzy Finder

• Full Type Support

• Variables & Save System

Choose between two powerful graph types to implement your ideas:

• Flow Graphs: Powerful flow control graphs (similar to Unreal Blueprints) for low-level logic and complex tasks.

• State Graphs: Elegant finite state machines (FSM) for high-level logic and easy state management.

• Beautiful Native Look: Bolt integrates seamlessly in the Unity interface to look and feel like a built-in tool.

• Full Codebase Compatibility: Use any method, field, property or event from Unity, any third-party plugin and even your custom scripts without any work required on your end. Bolt directly accesses your codebase via reflection and is always up to date.

• Lightning-Speed Reflection: With its unique reflection optimization engine, Bolt is up to 6x faster than traditional reflection.

• Human-Friendly Naming: Bolt can automatically translate complicated programming names into a human readable format that is easier to understand for designers and artists.

• Built-in Documentation: Get instant access to Unity and custom documentation directly from the Bolt interface; no need to open the manual ever again.

• Live Editing: Modify any part of your graphs while in playmode to quickly prototype and test ideas. Your changes will be safely reverted when you exit playmode.

• Predictive Debugging & Analysis: Bolt can predict and color-code nodes that will crash before you even press play, as well as analyze your graphs to anticipate values in edit mode and indicate unused paths. If an error occurs at runtime, Bolt will pin-point its source by highlighting it in the graph.

• Grouping, Layout & Zoom: Create groups to organize your graphs and keep them tidy. Use built-in layout tools to automatically align and distribute your nodes. Zoom out to get a bird's eye view of your logic.

• Nesting & Reusability: Create macros that can be easily reused across different game objects and shared online. Nest any kind of graph in any other for reusability and modularity.

• Easy Setup & Update: Simple wizard assistants make the setup and upgrade process safe and painless. Say goodbye to complicated configuration and buggy updates.

• Fuzzy Finder: Don't spend precious time browsing menus to find the right action. Just type what you're looking for (ex.: "move", "collision", "add force"), and Bolt's unique fuzzy finder will instantly give you contextually relevant options.

• Full Type Support: Don't limit yourself to floats, booleans and strings. Bolt can inspect and edit most types, including lists, dictionaries, nullables, enums, static and private fields.

• Variables & Save System: Keep track of any kind of value across the current graph, game object, the scene or the whole application with our powerful variable system. Save permanent variables to the player prefs without any additional work — Bolt's built-in save system.


• Deployment Platforms: Bolt is fully compatible with Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Support for AOT and IL2CPP platforms like iOS, WebGL, WSA and consoles is provided with automatic AOT-stubbing and linker file generation (currently in beta).

• Development Platform: Bolt has been fully tested with Windows and Mac OS X. When available, retina icons and textures are used on high-DPI displays.

Unity Edition: Bolt is compatible with Unity Personal, Plus and Pro. Unity 2017.1 or newer is required.

.NET Runtime: .NET 4.6 is supported, but can cause some type ambiguity. Note that we plan to require .NET 4.6 and Unity 2017.2 once the runtime upgrade is default and stabilized.


Bolt is an living, evolving plugin under constant development. Our roadmap includes exiciting features like:

• Deep Tweening Integration

• Editor Scripting

• Full Scripting API

• Custom Event Definitions

• Networking Integration

• ... and much, much more!

Click here to see the full roadmap!


Join our online Community for quick support from the developer and fellow users. Suggest and vote on new ideas to influence the future of Bolt. Looking for a quick reply to your questions? Join us on our official Discord server!

Bolt's comprehensive Manual is full of gifs and pictures to get you started quickly, with no useless fluff. Basic scripting concepts are explained for absolute beginners, but advanced topics are also covered for experienced users.

Need concrete examples? Follow Bolt's step-by-step Tutorial to create a complete platformer game from scratch, includingmovement, health & deatch, enemy AI, projectiles, doors & keys and much more!What are you waiting for?Go create something awesome.



发布日期: 2018-8-21