CG数据库 >> RayFire破碎爆炸3dsmax插件V1.82版

本插件是关于RayFire破碎爆炸3dsmax插件V1.82版,大小:9 MB,支持3dsmax 2019版软件,支持Win64位系统, 语言:英语。

RayFire Tool是一个3dmax插件,能够制作很多特效,如物体碎裂、毁灭、拆毁大型建筑、毁坏、分解、大破坏、炸毁、爆破、爆炸、引爆等以及其他相似方面的特效工作,而这些你一直梦想都在Max中去实现…Rayfire主要应用于电影特效制作,如《2012》《变形金刚3》 等。

A unique plug-in for 3DS Max, allowing you to simulate the destruction of objects from collisions and shots. RayFire gives you the ability to shoot, destroy, destroy, break, explode, and do other similar things that you always dreamed of doing in Max.


Image Tracing to Exterior/White and Interior/Black elements

Interior Prefracture

Procedural map support

Custom Shell for Interior and Exterior per element

Custom Offset for Interior and Exterior per element

Edge relax for traced cracks

Side Externsion for traced image

UVW map and Material ID support for inner faces

Removable Exterior or Interior


破碎 爆炸 3dsmax 插件


发布日期: 2018-9-13