CG数据库 >> Ziva Dynamics Ziva VFX骨骼肌肉运动模拟Maya插件V1.4版

本软件是关于Ziva Dynamics Ziva VFX骨骼肌肉运动模拟Maya插件V1.4版,大小:710 MB,支持Maya 2014 - 2018版软件,支持Win与Linux系统,语言:英语。CG数据库整理。

ZIVA VFX是Ziva Dynamics公司开发的角色动画插件,带有离线FEM解剖模拟器的Maya插件,可以让我们创建逼真的角色,适用于在Windows或Linux操作系统上运行,它具有Maya肌肉和皮肤模拟系统。

Ziva Dynamics已经发布了Maya人体肌肉骨骼模拟插件Ziva VFX v1.4新版本,支持离线FEM解剖元素模拟器,如肌肉和皮肤的物理模拟。Ziva VFX 1.2版更新兼容Maya 2018,zmeshcheck命令网格质量保证,提高高达2倍布料场景速度,以及一般的速度和性能方面的改进和更新。



With soft tissue sitting on top of anatomical muscle groups, everything looks right. Muscles preserve volume under force and collision, while tissue bends, stretches, creases and jiggles with physics-informed realism.


Director feedback at the 11th hour? No problem.

With ZIVA VFX, character alterations can be applied retroactively at nearly anytime.

Adapting the underlying anatomy of your characters will let you react quickly to all feedback during any step of your creative process.


Add a physical-correction on top of any existing character rig with our goaling attachment. This lightweight approach corrects unwanted stretch and adds contacts and plausible secondary motion.


Create rudimentary characters easily with a single volume on top of a skeleton. This approach is ideal for feature animation – capturing the bulk, volume, and secondary dynamics of a character.


Correct hand pronation-supination

Correct neck shape with precise neck muscle movement

Correct upper-body rigidity under twisting

Correct thigh skin shape due to quadriceps muscle excitation

Add life-like belly fat secondary motion (inertia and gravity)

Correct elbow self-collisions

Version 1.4 hotfix 1

Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug where Maya Fields did not evaluate correctly if the solver transform changed after the first frame.

When zSolver.maxNewtonIterations is greater than 1, the dynamics were often under-damped. The dynamics are correctly damped now, which will result in some simulations appearing more damped than before. To recover similar results to previous versions, decrease zSolver.stiffnessDamping and zSolver.massDamping – possibly to the new default values: 0.001 and 0.0 respectively. This was fixed in 1.4’s initial release, but missed in the release notes.

Fixed a bug where a “Solver has encountered instabilities” message persisted even after rewinding to the first frame.

Fixed a bug where adding a new body to the scene could affect the simulation results of existing, unconnected bodies.

Fixed a bug where zBuilder would sometimes not record the field and zFieldAdaptor nodes.

Fixed a bug where zBuilder would sometimes re-order zMaterial nodes.

ziva 骨骼肌肉 dynamics 模拟 插件 dynamics dynamics

Ziva Dynamics Ziva VFX骨骼肌肉运动模拟Maya插件V1.4版的图片1
Ziva Dynamics Ziva VFX骨骼肌肉运动模拟Maya插件V1.4版的图片2
Ziva Dynamics Ziva VFX骨骼肌肉运动模拟Maya插件V1.4版的图片3

发布日期: 2018-9-26