CG数据库 >> C4D中Arnold渲染器灯光照明预设Light Suite合集V1.0版

本插件是关于C4D中Arnold渲染器灯光照明预设Light Suite合集V1.0版,大小:2.6 GB,支持Cinema4D R17或以上版软件,支持Arnold Render 2.1或以上版软件,支持Win与Mac系统,语言:英语。

Professional Studio Lighting Tools for Arnold Render and C4D.

Made to quickly and easily speed up your lightning workflow.

Create photo-real studio situations for product visualizations and animations in minutes.

What’s included:

-- 15 Light Items with simple and intuitive controls. High Dynamic Range textures + xpresso rig.

-- 20 Studio Presets: black, white, color.

-- 65 HDRI + Rigs: Studio, Metal, Sky, Interior, Exterior, Underwater and Space.

-- 4 Infinite Floor + Rig. Seamless backgrounds to complete your scenes: Circular, Diagonal, Linear and Plane.

-- 8 Stages: Box, Stage C, Curved Floor, Curved Box, Stage L, Stage Round, Stage S, Stage U.

-- 11 Test Objects with textures/ shaders included.

-- 10 C4D Example Scenes ready to render.

System Requirements

Cinema 4D 17 and above.

Arnold Render 2.1 and above.

Works with Windows and Mac OS

渲染器 灯光照明 照明 预设 light

C4D中Arnold渲染器灯光照明预设Light Suite合集V1.0版的图片1
C4D中Arnold渲染器灯光照明预设Light Suite合集V1.0版的图片2
C4D中Arnold渲染器灯光照明预设Light Suite合集V1.0版的图片3

发布日期: 2018-10-12