本软件是关于SideFX Houdini FX影视特效制作软件V17.0.352 Mac版,大小:2.3 GB,支持Mac系统(附赠Win版),语言:英语。
Houdini Master(电影特效魔术师)是Side Effects Software的旗舰级产品,是创建高级视觉效果的终极工具,因为它的横跨公司的整个产品线的能力,Houdini Master为那些想让电脑动画更加精彩的艺术家们空前的能力和工作效率。许多电影特效都是由它完成:指环王中“甘道夫”放的那些“魔法礼花”,还有“水马”冲垮“戒灵”的场面,后天中的龙卷风等等,a52的汽车广告,反正只要是涉及DD公司制作的好莱坞一线大片,几乎都会有Houdini参与和应用。
Houdini 是一个特效方面非常强大的软件,主要面对的是电影工业的特效制作与合成。与其他如3DS Max/After Effects等三维动画、特效合成软件不同的是,Houdini是一个节点软件,节点的操作具有非常强的逻辑性,同时它也是一个动态的建模软件,通过一个个节点和命令将各种对象组合在一起,在应对含有非常多的视觉元素的影视特效合成时通过节点的操作更加容易管理成千上万的视觉元素,而其它通过层来操作视觉元素的特效合成软件如After Effects在面对成千上万个视觉元素时显然是不现实的。许多电影特效都是由它完成:指环王中“甘道夫”放的那些“魔法礼花”还有“水马”冲垮“戒灵”的场面......后天中的龙卷风的场面等等,a52的汽车广告.反正只要是涉及DD公司制作的好莱坞一线大片,几乎都会有Houdini参与和应用.
Houdini 17 新功能全面剖析:
3、拷贝替换文件夹中的sesinted.exe 到c:\windows\system32,覆盖替换;
5、从开始菜单里找到Side Effects Software目录下的License Administrator,在Houdini License Administrator界面的View>Diagnostic Information栏下找到License server host和License server code对应信息;
6、运行注册机Keygen.exe,将License server host和License server code填入注册机相应位置 (其中注册机里的name栏填License server host信息),点最下面的生成按钮生成注册码,会在两个窗口中会得到很多行注册码;
7、在Houdini License Administrator界面的菜单栏的File菜单下选Manual Enter Keys,弹出注册码输入窗口,共需要输入五行注册码。然后复制注册机生成的第一个窗口中的前五行注册码,对应输入即可;
8、#1密钥应该为SERVER your_server_name server_code
This release is nothing to do with any previous xforce release, no hacked keygen copycat crack etc.
Houdini 17 includes a wealth of new features, including a GPU-accelerated multisolver for cloth, hair, soft bodies and grains, a new white water solver, a material-based destruction framework, facial autorigs, fullbody IK, enhanced animation and modeling workflows, UV autoseaming, GLTF I/O, gamedev tools and much more.
New Vellum multi-solver brings fast cloth to Houdini along with other integrated effects such as hair, soft bodies and grains. The Vellum solver is GPU-accelerated and very easy to set up and iterate.
The White Water solver has been rewritten to achieve a more organic, foamy, look with realistic cellular patterns and repellant forces and a more accurate relationship to the source FLIP sim.
Material-based destruction tools make it easier to set up and art direct destruction shots by providing tools for pre-fracturing materials such as concrete, glass and wood while automatically building constraint networks that tie the whole system together.
Terrain now includes advanced erosion tools with more control over details such as fluvial lines, river banks and debris and new hierarchical scattering for more efficient placement of elements into landscapes.
New UV tools define a fully procedural workflow that starts with automated seaming then moves on to accurate flattening and super efficient layout of the resulting UVs.
The new Retime SOP node is a powerful tool for stretching out or slowing down simulated data such as fluid sims, RBD sims and even volumes with effective interpolation and blend options for creating clean and entirely realistic results.
Interactive modeling includes a new PolyDraw shelf tool which lets you use our interactive “Topo Build” tools anywhere in your scene, without reference geometry. Improvements to snapping and alignment including fast construction plane alignment and positioning; rotation snapping; view and construction plane memories; and new geometry alignment tools.
Character animation and rigging have been improved with a newly designed timeline that supports a more animator-friendly keyframe workflow and a facial auto-rig for a complete top-to-bottom auto-rigging solution.
Houdini Engine is now more versatile with a brand new 3DS Max plug-in, a 2.0 Unity plug-in and important enhancements to the Maya and UE4 plug-ins.
GLTF Import and Export brings the “JPEG of 3D” to Houdini to provide an efficient, interoperable asset delivery format that compresses the size of 3D scenes and minimizes runtime processing.
houdini 影视特效制作 特效制作 软件 houdini
发布日期: 2018-10-18