CG数据库 >> Autodesk Product Design Suite Ultimate产品设计套装V2019版

本软件是关于Autodesk Product Design Suite Ultimate产品设计套装V2019版,大小:9.5 GB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。

AUTODESKProduct Design Suite 是一种综合的三维产品设计软件解决方案,提供模拟、协作、可视化和数字化样机 工具,帮助您完成整个工程设计流程。


主要特色:● 优化和验证产品性能—Autodesk Inventor Professional中紧密集成的运动仿真和应力分析工具支持您通过仿真建模来预测设计在真实环境中的性能。

● 加速产品设计和制造流程—利用Autodesk Inventor Professional设计布线系统,其中包含复杂的管件和管路以及电缆和线束设计。

● 快速创建和验证完整的模具设计—自动执行塑料零件注塑模具设计的主要环节,从而减少错误并提高模具性能。

● 先进的曲面创建工具—Autodesk Alias Surface软件为数字建模师提供了部分动态三维曲面建模功能。

● 三维产品可视化和设计沟通—轻松创建渲染图和动画,以此将设计意图传达给经理,向制造商解释设计并说服客户。

● 加速二维机械设计—AutoCAD Mechanical设计软件包含完备的标准零件库以及能够自动执行常见设计任务的工具,能够显著加速机械设计流程。

● 更加高效地管理设计数据—创建和管理重要的零件列表和物料清单(BOM)。

Autodesk Product Design Suite is a comprehensive solution that provides design, simulation, sharing and viewing of 3D products, able to manage the entire design process. The capabilities of Digital Prototyping suite help design better products, reduce development costs and speed up commercialization. Innovation and creation of eye-catching designs using this complete software package for 3D design, design and documentation. Premium: all design features and development of 2D and 3D products, plus other Digital Prototyping capabilities, with data management tools, integrated processing and visualization. The Ultimate in addition to all the features of the premium version, are provided specialized tools for project management, integration of control and simulation of 3D design systems.A comprehensive software package for 3D design, design and documentation enabling you to innovate and create more compelling product designs. Realize, explores and presents more efficiently 3D product designs using a range of powerful design tools, documentation and visualization included in one complete package.Reuse of technical data• Use 2D AutoCAD drawings as the basis for the Inventor layout• Use of standard components libraries for popular assemblies• Integrate data from multiple sources into a single projectMake changes to product designs quickly and easily• Capturing design intent and parametric tools• Geometric changes with direct modeling capabilities• Update projects after every changeIntegration of electrical and mechanical design• Create 3D layout of cables through the import of circuit diagrams• Automate the cable design and wiring in the 3D environment• Create models of 3D design products from a schemeIncluded Software:-Autodesk 3DS MAX 2019-Autodesk Inventor 2019-AutoCAD Mechanical 2019-AutoCAD Electrical 2019-AutoCAD 2019-Navisworks Simulate 2019-AutoCAD Raster Design 2019-Autodesk Recap 2019-Autodesk Vault Basic 2019-Autodesk Fusion 360 2019-Autodesk Inventor Professional 2019-Navisworks Manage 2019

Autodesk Product Design Suite Ultimate产品设计套装V2019版的图片1

发布日期: 2018-12-5