CG数据库 >> Rebelle水彩水墨模拟数字绘画软件V3.1版

本软件是由escapemotions机构产品的Rebelle水彩水墨模拟数字绘画软件V3.1版,大小:230 MB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。

Rebelle 3水彩水墨数字绘画自学课程视频教程:演示视频:Improvements to the existing features, bug fixes as well as new features are part of the latest Rebelle 3.1 version which is released on this hot summer day. Let’s get you all caught up on these small-yet-mighty updates.What’s new in Rebelle 3.1:✓ New HSLuv palette – Available from Color panel menu HSLuv palette allows you to define a color based on three dimensions – hue, saturation, and lightness – but contrary to a HSL color model based on RGB, this color model is based on CIELUV color space, so two colors with an identical lightness value will look equally bright, have better saturation and hue uniformity:Rebelle 3水彩水墨数字绘画自学课程视频教程:


发布日期: 2018-12-7