CG数据库 >> Boris Mocha Pro 2019影视追踪软件V6.0.1版

本软件是关于Boris Mocha Pro 2019影视追踪软件V6.0.1版,大小:120 MB,支持Win系统,语言:英语。

Boris FX公司发布了Mocha Pro 2019,这是这款平面追踪软件的最新版本,彻底更新了用户界面,GPU加速物体移除,并增加了新的环形样条工具。

该软件的姐妹应用Mocha VR(用来追踪360°视频),现在也与这款软件合并了。

该版本最初是在2018年荷兰国际广播电视展(IBC 2018)中发布的,同时发布的还有BorisFX的特效插件集Continuum 2019和Sapphire 2019。

新的360°追踪功能、样条工具和GPU加速物体移除Mocha Pro 2019中最大的变化就是增加了Mocha VR的功能,Mocha VR原本是其用来追踪和固定360°VR素材的姐妹产品。

这次更新还添加了四个新的样条工具,用来制作环形形状:分别是椭圆形(Ellipse)和矩形(Rectangle)、手绘样条(Freehand Spline)和磁性样条(MagneticSpline)。

原有的用来移除绑定和追踪痕迹的移除模块已被重写,现在是GPU加速的,Boris FX公司声称现在的速度是CPU单独加速的“4-5倍”。

这次更新还增加了可选的MochaEssentials UI简化布局,主要针对的对象是“传统视频编辑和有一些特效制作经验的Mocha新用户”。


Mocha Pro 2019作为独立的工具适用于Windows XP+、RHEL/CentOS 5+Linux和OS X 10.7+等系统。

作为集成插件适用于After Effects和Premiere Pro CC 2014+、Media Composer8+、Nuke、 Fusion、Vegas Pro和HitFilm Pro。

Mocha Pro跟踪特效技术基础技能训练视频教程:视频预览:Say hello to MOCHA PRO 2019! Mocha Pro is the Academy Award-winning planar tracking tool for visual effects and post-production. With a proven record on the world’s most notable film and television projects, Mocha is valued by effects artists and editors for its unique ability to reduce the time-consuming keyframing associated with high-end VFX and finishing. Mocha Pro 2019 features GPU-accelerated planar tracking and object removal, advanced rotoscoping tools, stabilization, 3D camera solver, stereo 360/VR support, and more.NEW IN MOCHA PRO 2019New workspaces with Mocha Essentials interfaceGPU-accelerated object removal delivers faster renderingNew spline tools for faster masking: Magnetic Spline with edge snapping, Freehand Spline, and Geometric Shape ToolsRetina/High DPI monitor resolution supportAward-winning 360/VR tools now included with Mocha Pro 2019NEW SPLINE TOOLS FOR ROTO & MASKINGMocha’s powerful masking tools are improved with 4 new spline tools to speed up shape creation and save time on roto projects:Magnetic Spline Tool with edge snappingFreehand Spline for fluid drawingNew Ellipse and Rectangle ShapesHow Install:1. Install Boris Mocha Pro Plugin 2019 v6.0.12. From folder Crack copy file mocha.dll with replacement in: c:\Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\7.0\MediaCore\BorisFX\MochaPro2019\SharedResou rces\3. From folder Crack copy file MSM.lic with replacement in: c:\ProgramData\GenArts\rlm\Mocha Pro跟踪特效技术基础技能训练视频教程:

Boris Mocha Pro 2019影视追踪软件V6.0.1版的图片1

发布日期: 2018-12-24