CG数据库 >> 200组超炫氛围艺术特效叠加高清图片合集

本合集是关于200组超炫氛围艺术特效叠加高清图片合集,大小:940 MB ,格式:JPG,附使用教程,配合PS软件使用,包含镜头光晕,漏光,雪,雨,阴霾,亮度,地狱,水电等特效图片文件,为设计师提供精彩绝伦的灵感素材。

视频预览:使用教程:前天 14:09Photographers and retouchers are constantly in search of new and exciting ways to push their images further, to gain a creative edge, or make an otherwise good image great. These 200 Creative Overlays are an accessible means for photographers to explore new possibilities with their images in post production. By adding practical elements to help tell a story, introducing foreground to create depth, or offering abstract or unexpected visual interest, Creative Overlays offer photographers an arsenal of tools to add value and push their images a step further.All 200 Creative Overlays were captured practically using a variety of high-end lenses, developed, and formatted for the most versatility and realistic aesthetic possible. Compatible with all versions of Photoshop or any other photo-editing software with layers and blend modes.The Master Collection includes: Lens Flares, Light Leaks, Snow, Rain, Haze, Luminance, Blades, Inferno, Hydro, & Neptune


发布日期: 2019-1-2