CG数据库 >> 60组2K装饰性画笔Zbrush笔刷合集

本合辑是关于100组2K风格化深度alpha纹理与13组雕刻笔刷合集,大小:1.1 GB,格式:ZBP,PSD,Tiff,PNG,适用软件:Zbrush,包含60组2K装饰性画笔Zbrush笔刷文件合集。

视频预览:This is a set of 60 Ornament trim brushes for ZBrush, all brushes use 2048×2048 16-bit alphas, PSD, Tiff, PNG alphas are also included. These brushes should also be able to be used in Substance painter in the close future, customers will get access to this automatically and will receive an email about it.Contents– 60 ZBrush brushes.– PSD, Tiff, Jpeg alphas.– All alphas 2048×2048 – 16bit.


发布日期: 2019-5-13