本软件是由allegorithmic机构出品的Substance Designer纹理材质制作软件V2019.1.2.2391版,大小:560 MB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。
Substance Designer是Substance贴图工具产品系列之一,它可以帮助美术师高效地创建并且重复应用贴图。
Substance Designer是首款能够混合及应用位图, 矢量图和其他元素的专业贴图工具,使用它能够制作复杂的贴图。
用Substance Designer制作的贴图具有许多传统位图不具备的优势。
后者相对静止且用线性方式制作,而用Substance Designer制作的贴图更具活力,在制作的每个阶段都可以被高度的自定义。
《Substance Designer 全面核心技术训练视频教程》中文字幕版:视频预览:Allegorithmic公司发布了Substance Designer最新版本,这是该公司的材质开发软件,这次更新推出了Substance Engine 7,这是该软件的下一代核心架构。
另外,Python API在创建外部插件方面得到了更新;还新增了Height Extrude和Atlas Splitter过滤器,更新了Flood Fill和Tri Planar过滤器。
更新了Substance Engine核心架构Substance Designer 2019.1系统中最大的改变就是对Substance Engine 7更新,这是该软件核心架构的最新版本。
Allegorithmic公司表示,该架构让用户“超越PBR格式纹理贴图”, 使得场景图中的节点不仅可以表示图像,还可以表示数值。
现在是用于编写Python插件的“行业标准”工具另外,Substance Designer2018.2和Substance Designer2018.3中新推出的Python API也得到了进一步更新,主要是创建外部插件以及修改现有功能。
其中一个主要更新是集成了视觉特效行业标准Qt资源库,使得用户可以直接在Substance Designer软件中,为自定义工具创建GUI。
现在Substance Designer还可以在应用程序启动时实例化插件,从而可以创建永久的外部内容;并获得专用的插件管理器。
SubstanceDesigner 2019.1中Atlas Splitter功能演示:新增了Atlas Splitter和Height Extrude filters过滤器,还更新了Flood Fill和Tri Planar过滤器软件中还新增了很多过滤器,包括AtlasSplitter(上方视频中有演示),该功能允许用户从3D扫描素材中分离独立形状元素;还有Height Extrude过滤器,可以根据高度贴图渲染3D景深。
Substance Designer 2017.2中引入的Flood Fill也得到了更新,包括使用图像作为填充的选项,以及单独填充图案元素的选项。
Tri Planar节点分别获得了X、Y和Z投影的输入,以及随机偏移选项。
Substance Designer 2019.1适用于Windows 7+、CentOS 6.6或Ubuntu 16.04和Mac OS X 10.11+系统。
Create, iterate. Substance Designer is the Ultimate 3D Material Authoring and Scan Processing Tool. It has become the standard in the entertainment industry for PBR material authoring.Material authoring● Create materials with full control and infinite variations.● Edit complete texture sets instantly and produce Substance textures and MDL materials that will be directly handled in your renderer or game engine.Scan Processing● Process scans thanks to filters and tools in an adapted to photogrammetry workflow.● Substance Designer features a complete set of tools and filters including: Crop Tool, Color Equalizer Tool, Extract Channels filters (Multi-angle to Albedo, Multi-angle to Normal, Normal to Height), Smart Patch Clone Tool, Smart Auto Tile Tool.Import a wide variety of content● Import procedural sbs and sbsar files, hand-painted images, photographs, scans and geometry (.fbx & .obj). No need to worry about tiling, either – Substance Designer handles it automatically.Real-Time Physically Based Viewport with Iray Path Tracing● Use the real-time PBR viewport to preview your work exactly as it appears in Unity and Unreal. Match any other game engine via custom shaders.● Create photo-realistic renders with Iray path-trace technology while working, embellish your work with Yebis post-production effects, and share portfolio-ready materials directly on ArtStation.Node-Based Non-Destructive Workflow● Substance Designer features 4 graphs types: Tiling textures, MDL materials, Math Functions and Noise Editor. Edit complete texture sets instantly with the procedural node-based non-linear workflow. Want to change something while you’re working? Make changes to any previous step while keeping your current work intact.Powerful generators, tools and filters● Combine a large number of pre-set filters and tools for Procedural and Hybrid Workflows.● Access and modify the sources of all filters.Integrated Full-Featured Bakers● Bake quickly and easily with a complete set of bakers. Create non-uniform (non-square) bakes up to 8K resolution with Substance Designer.● The bakers include: AO, normal, ID, height, curvature, position, polypaint, Bent Normals, Color Map, UV to SVG, Opacity Mask, Thickness, Transfered Texture, World Space Direction, World Space Normals.《Substance Designer 全面核心技术训练视频教程》中文字幕版:
发布日期: 2019-7-3