CG数据库 >> NBP Freqsep Control皮肤美化PS插件V2.0.000版

本插件是关于NBP Freqsep Control皮肤美化PS插件V2.0.000版,大小:28 MB,支持Photoshop软件,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。







这就是Freqsep Control的用武之地。

使用视频:If you’re familiar with the process of utilizing frequency separation in your retouching workflow, then you’re probably aware – and frustrated by – the lack of total control and somewhat average results you get while using it. While the method remains a skin retouching staple, the core approach to setting it up in Photoshop has been more or less the same for a while now, and accepted as such. The basic premise of frequency separation is creating the ability in Photoshop to manipulate the base colors and textures separately, thus giving you the control to perfect skin tone without obliterating skin texture. On paper, this sounds to good to be true. For many retouchers, the discovery of this method is initially exciting, and then eventually discouraging due to the limitations of the classic frequency separation setup process. Then add in the workflow slowdowns while processing the filters and other functions involved in the setup, and frequency separation becomes a necessary evil, perhaps, but one that leaves you feeling a little flat about your results.But what if you could have a bit more control, all in one panel, and achieve better results? Perhaps you have higher demands in your retouching, and are always looking to step it up. Accepting and implementing what everyone else does is only going to get you so far. This is where Freqsep Control comes in.Ultimate Control for High-End Retouching (v2.0)• Select from proprietary smoothing filters Gaussian Blur, Super Surface Blur or Median, depending on your preferred workflow, look and style, with the latter two minimizing or removing haloing artifacts common in traditional frequency separation setups.• NBP proprietary 32-bit edge preserving and blur algorithms are very high quality and process much faster than Photoshop filters.• More texture preservation than traditional frequency separation methods in Photoshop, which allows you far for more freedom while perfecting transitions.• Allows you to preview Base (low frequency) and Detail (high frequency) results in split view or individually before applying to ensure you get the results you want.• Choose to have the panel duplicate or absorb your working layer.• Faster than traditional frequency separation process setups.• Save up to 8 presets for efficient multiple workflows.

NBP Freqsep Control皮肤美化PS插件V2.0.000版的图片1
NBP Freqsep Control皮肤美化PS插件V2.0.000版的图片2

发布日期: 2019-7-16