本软件是由allegorithmic机构出品的Substance Painter三维纹理材质绘画软件V2019.2.0.3242版,大小:1.4 GB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。
Substance Painter是最新的次时代游戏贴图绘制工具,具有一些非常新奇的功能,比如粒子笔刷,可以模拟自然粒子下落,粒子的轨迹形成纹理。
Allegorithmic Substance Painter是一个全新3D纹理绘画程序与以前从未见过的功能和改善工作流程,使纹理创建 3D 资产比以往更容易。
它被公认的最崭新和简便易用的 3D 画家在那里。
《Substance Painter模型贴图绘制全面核心训练视频教程》中文字幕版:演示视频:最新版本软件最初是在2019年3月20日发布的,下面展示了从软件发布以来,到目前的所有更新信息。
Allegorithmic公司在GDC 2019全球游戏开发者大会上展示了即将发布的Substance Painter(3D纹理绘图软件)最新版本的新功能。
新的对称、纹理投影和材质混合选项Substance Painter 2019.1中的新功能包括径向对称;动态笔触,其中增加了大量的新内容;Blend If功能,以高度为基础混合材质;新的平面和球面投影模式。
另外,现在Substance Painter的OpenGL视区中支持位移和镶嵌效果。
新版本还将在Substance Painter的脚本API中添加新的函数。
2019年4月24日更新:SubstancePainter 2019.1已经正式发布了。
更新包括新增的Compare Mask对比遮罩效果,允许用户根据源图层通道参数值,混合材质图层,与PhotoShop的Blend If功能相似。
Substance Painter is a brand new 3D Painting app with never before seen features and workflow improvements to make the creation of textures for 3D assets easier than ever. It is acknowledged as the most innovative and user-friendly 3D Painter out there.Power to the artists– Substance Painter gives you all the tools you need to texture your 3D assets.What You See Is What You Get– The PBR real-time viewport lets you work on asset look development.– Create in Substance Painter and get real-time feedback in UE4 and Unity thanks to the live link.Augmented Artistry– Unleash your creativity with powerful tools and a non-destructive workflow.Smart Materials– Tear and wear, scratches and dust instantly appear where they’re supposed to.Smart Masks– Apply the same mask preset on any type of object and have it adapt automatically.Integrated 8K Bakers– Baking is where it all starts. Bake high quality maps in an instant directly within Substance Painter.Bring VFX to the Top– Support for Linux, 8K export, color management, UDIM management and Scripting API make integrating Substance Painter into VFX workflows easier than ever.Open to the world– Get 1:1 engine exports and share directly to portfolio sites with dedicated formats.2019.2.0Release date: 2019/07/25Summary: Major release with updates of the bakers in terms of performance and a new previsualization mode + new content《Substance Painter模型贴图绘制全面核心训练视频教程》中文字幕版:
发布日期: 2019-7-29