本软件是关于Boris FX Mocha Pro 2019.5影视追踪插件V6.1.2.41版,大小:170 MB,支持Adobe系列软件与Octane Standalone软件,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。
MochaPro 2019.5:改进的样条线工具和更好的GPU支持Mocha Pro中的样条线工具得到了改进,而且扩展了对GPU加速的支持。
BorisFX公司对Mocha Pro 2019.5中的新功能做出了如下总结:- 改进的样条线工具:新增的边缘对齐功能,以便使用更少的关键帧,添加更精准度遮罩。
- GPU优化:使得复杂的Mocha项目更具互动性,大大提升了渲染速度。
- 新的主软件支持:将会预览对DaVinci Resolve的支持,这也是用户期待已久的。
该公司还透露了未来发布版本中的一些功能,包括新的Area Brush绘画工具,可以用来确定平面跟踪区域,还有一个新的“Mega Clean Plates”选项,用于在移除对象的同时,构建大于光栅全景的内容。
MochaPro 2019.5功能预览:2019年6月13日更新:MochaPro 2019.5现在已经发布了。
除了上面列出的功能,本次更新还增加了以CCPower Pin格式将跟踪数据输出到After Effects中的选项;同时自动保存功能可以存储迭代的历史记录。
另外还新增了Layout Manager布局管理器,允许用户创建并保存自定义用户界面布局,现在样条线和遮罩渲染的速度更快了,尤其是使用很多图层或控制点的时候,速度提升更加明显。
本次更新还使得Mocha Pro成为Flame的OFX插件,Autodesk公司在特效中增加了OFX支持,并在Flame 2020中增加了完成工具。
讽刺的是,DaVinci Resolve没有得到官方支持,这款软件的16版本还没有发布,但是Boris FX表示本次更新版本将于DaVinci Resolve 16测试版本兼容。
Boris FX公司发布了Mocha Pro 2019,这是这款平面追踪软件的最新版本,彻底更新了用户界面,GPU加速物体移除,并增加了新的环形样条工具。
该软件的姐妹应用Mocha VR(用来追踪360°视频),现在也与这款软件合并了。
该版本最初是在2018年荷兰国际广播电视展(IBC 2018)中发布的,同时发布的还有BorisFX的特效插件集Continuum 2019和Sapphire 2019。
新的360°追踪功能、样条工具和GPU加速物体移除Mocha Pro 2019中最大的变化就是增加了Mocha VR的功能,Mocha VR原本是其用来追踪和固定360°VR素材的姐妹产品。
这次更新还添加了四个新的样条工具,用来制作环形形状:分别是椭圆形(Ellipse)和矩形(Rectangle)、手绘样条(Freehand Spline)和磁性样条(MagneticSpline)。
原有的用来移除绑定和追踪痕迹的移除模块已被重写,现在是GPU加速的,Boris FX公司声称现在的速度是CPU单独加速的“4-5倍”。
这次更新还增加了可选的MochaEssentials UI简化布局,主要针对的对象是“传统视频编辑和有一些特效制作经验的Mocha新用户”。
Mocha Pro 2019作为独立的工具适用于Windows XP+、RHEL/CentOS 5+Linux和OS X 10.7+等系统。
作为集成插件适用于After Effects和Premiere Pro CC 2014+、Media Composer8+、Nuke、 Fusion、Vegas Pro和HitFilm Pro。
Mocha Pro跟踪特效技术基础技能训练视频教程:AE中Mocha pro跟踪插件使用技术视频教程:视频预览:Say hello to MOCHA PRO 2019! Mocha Pro is the Academy Award-winning planar tracking tool for visual effects and post-production. With a proven record on the world’s most notable film and television projects, Mocha is valued by effects artists and editors for its unique ability to reduce the time-consuming keyframing associated with high-end VFX and finishing. Mocha Pro 2019 features GPU-accelerated planar tracking and object removal, advanced rotoscoping tools, stabilization, 3D camera solver, stereo 360/VR support, and more. Using Mocha AE CC in Adobe After Effects? View the Compare Mocha Chart to learn about Mocha Pro 2019’s advanced features.NEW IN MOCHA PRO 2019:– New workspaces with Mocha Essentials interface– GPU-accelerated object removal delivers faster rendering– New spline tools for faster masking: Magnetic Spline with edge snapping, Freehand Spline, and Geometric Shape Tools– Retina/High DPI monitor resolution support– Award-winning 360/VR tools now included with Mocha Pro 2019NEW SPLINE TOOLS FOR ROTO & MASKINGMocha’s powerful masking tools are improved with 4 new spline tools to speed up shape creation and save time on roto projects:– Magnetic Spline Tool with edge snapping– Freehand Spline for fluid drawing– New Ellipse and Rectangle ShapesNEW MOCHA ESSENTIALS INTERFACEThe updated interface makes Mocha easier to learn than ever before and looks great on hi-res and retina enabled monitors! The Mocha Essentials Workspace brings the power of Mocha to novice level users with a simplified, elegant, and easy-to-learn interface. Tracking & masking is now faster by reducing complexity and focusing the Mocha interface on the most essential icons and tools. Switch to Classic for advanced modules and customize workspaces for flexibility.NEW GPU ACCELERATED OBJECT REMOVALMocha’s amazing Remove Module has been rewritten to optimize GPU video hardware for up to 4-5x render speed improvements on removals and clean plating projects. For high-resolution 4K projects and 360/VR video resolutions, the resulting speed improvement is a massive time-saver. View our speed test! Fix it in post! The Remove Module is one of the most popular reasons After Effects artists upgrade from the Adobe bundled Mocha AE CC. It’s like Content Aware on steroids!New 2019.5 release! Mocha Pro is the Academy Award-winning planar tracking tool for visual effects and post-production. Mocha Pro features GPU-accelerated planar tracking and object removal, advanced roto with edge-snapping, image stabilization, 3D camera solver, stereo 360/VR support, and more.Windows: Windows 7 or higher on x64Mocha Pro跟踪特效技术基础技能训练视频教程:AE中Mocha pro跟踪插件使用技术视频教程:
发布日期: 2019-8-14