CG数据库 >> Rhino中Grasshopper螺旋楼梯实例制作视频教程

本教程是关于Rhino中Grasshopper螺旋楼梯实例制作视频教程,时长:39分,大小:720 MB,MP4高清视频,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Rhino, Grasshopper,作者:DCO Graphicstudio,共5个章节,语言:英语。

Rhino是是美国Robert McNeel & Assoc.开发的PC上强大的专业3D造型软件,它可以广泛地应用于三维动画制作、工业制造、科学研究以及机械设计等领域。

它能轻易整合3DS MAX 与Softimage的模型功能部分,对要求精细、弹性与复杂的3D NURBS模型,有点石成金的效能。

能输出obj、DXF、IGES、STL、3dm等不同格式,并适用于几乎所有3D软件,尤其对增加整个3D工作团队的模型生产力有明显效果,故使用3D MAX、AutoCAD、MAYA、Softimage、Houdini、Lightwave等3D设计人员不可不学习使用。

《Rhino 6工作流程基础核心技术视频教程》中文字幕版:In this class you will learn how to create a parametric spiral staircase with Grasshopper. Grasshopper is a bit intimidating at first, but with some experience it can become one of the most useful tools. These tutorials are great for students who are trying to expand their design arsenal. They will allow you to create some impressive geometries in a quick amount of time. The tools here are just the start of what is possible to create with Parametric design. Make sure to follow me for future lessons.TEACHER INFORMATION:Welcome to DCO GraphicstudioHere you will learn everything related to Architecture, Design, 3D modeling, Parametric Design, 3D printing and much more. If you have any questions, Ideas or concerns contact me here. Please leave a comment with your impressions regarding this lesson. Also make sure to follow me for future videos.Software:Rhino 3DGrasshopper Plugin《Rhino 6工作流程基础核心技术视频教程》中文字幕版:


发布日期: 2019-9-12