CG数据库 >> ARCHLine XP 2019室内建筑设计软件V191031版

本软件是关于ARCHLine XP 2019室内建筑设计软件V190416版,大小:1 GB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。

ARCHLine.X 可以完美采用SketchUp模型进行室内及建筑再创作以及施工图,报价单,信息模型等的制作。

ARCHLine.XP 兼容各类CAD格式,并且具有非常强大的照片匹配建模功能、快速根据DWG平面图建立墙体布置场景(不用再用SketchUp繁琐的封面了),然后可以将SketchUp场景模型快速导入和注入信息,具有强大的尺寸标注和施工图绘制输出的功能。

视频预览:ARCHLine.XP is an architectural design software for BIM (Building Information Modeling), including features for interior design and decoration projects. ARCHLine.XP supports the multi-disciplinary design process. It helps you to collaborate with co-designers through the IFC, DWG™, and RVT™ formats. The software includes the whole process of architectural design, interior design and the planning of bespoke furniture.

ARCHLine XP 2019室内建筑设计软件V191031版的图片1

发布日期: 2019-11-11