CG数据库 >> Character Animator CC 2020角色动画软件V3.0.0.276版

本软件是由Adobe公司出品的Character Animator CC 2020角色动画软件V3.0.0.276版,大小:1.7 GB,支持Win与Mac系统,语言:英语。

Adobe Character Animator CC 是Adobe公司开发的一款角色动画应用程序,允许您使用自己的图稿创造富有表现力的角色,实时将 2D 人物制成动画。

借助 Character Animator,您可以从 Adobe Photoshop 或 Adobe Illustrator 导入图稿,为它们注入生命。


当您表演时,Character Animator 会模仿您的面部表情,将您的口型与语音同步,并让您完全控制某个角色动作的方方面面。

在 Photoshop CC 和 Illustrator CC 中创建 2D 人物并在 Character Animator 中将其生动地呈现出来。


Character Animator 可实时跟踪面部表情和动作,因此当您微笑时,您的动画人物也会微笑。

使用内置人物模板或通过组合来自 Photoshop 和 Illustrator 文件的不同木偶部位,快速创建交互式木偶。


Character Animator 可自动捕捉您的声音并模拟嘴部运动,从而轻松实现口型同步。

Character Animator面部与嘴唇木偶绑定同步视频教程:Character Animator背景环境动画实例制作视频教程:新增Character Trigger扩展的使用方法演示视频:Adobe公司发布了Character Animator CC 2.1,这是这款2D木偶动画软件的最新版本,简化了重复操作,并为TwitchStreamers添加了新的Character Trigger扩展。

该版本软件将于下周举行的NAB 2019年度大会上发布,同时发布的还有Adobe2019年春季(Spring 2019)更新的其他专业视频工具,包括After Effects CC 16.1、Premiere Pro CC13.1和Audition CC 12.1。

新的Character Trigger扩展允许Twitch观众控制动画角色Character Animator CC 2.1中的主要新功能是对Twitch Streamers的CharacterTrigger扩展。



其他方面主要是围绕工作流程的更新Character Animator CC 2.1中的其他方面主要是工作流程的更新,旨在简化重复操作。





Animate in real time. Really. Create a character and animate it with your own performance. Character Animator uses your expressions and movements to animate your characters in real-time. So when you smile or nod your head, your character does, too. It’s so fast, you can even stream your animations live.Eye-opening animations. In eye-opening time.Create animations for cartoons, an animated series, and live broadcasts. Or live stream your character on social media and wow your friends.Create a character in seconds.Turn any piece of art into an animated character using your webcam and new Characterizer, powered by Adobe Sensei AI. Or create characters by modifying the built-in character templates available in Character Animator, or importing art from Illustrator or Photoshop.Put your best face forward.Easily bring your character to life through your own performance. Using your webcam and microphone, Character Animator matches your expressions — from syncing lips to tracking eyes and facial features — to animate your character in real time. Look surprised, happy, or angry and your character does, too.Animations with legs — and arms and heads.Getting your character to move doesn’t take a lot of work. Control gestures like waving with your keyboard or MIDI device. Movements can be saved as buttons, so they’re easier to remember than key commands.It’s showtime.Check out the Hollywood studios, broadcasters, and online content creators who use Character Animator to bring their characters to life in real time. The app is powerfully fast and integrates with other Adobe apps for a seamless animation workflow. So you can take your own characters live or bring them into Premiere Pro or After Effects to include in bigger projects. It’s the next generation of animation tools. Available now.Animate in seconds with CharacterizerCreate a stylized, animated character using a work of art, your webcam, and Characterizer. Powered by Adobe Sensei AI technology, Characterizer quickly and easily turns art into animations.Easily re-use your best takesThe new Replays feature lets you choose your best laugh or perfectly timed fist bump and create a trigger that you can re-use live or in your next recording. Adjust the length of your Replays trigger to easily fit into your scene.Magnets to make your animations livelierNow your puppet can throw, drop, pick up static items, and do things like drink from a cup or drop a ball.Improvements to walking behaviorNewly added right and left shoulder and hip tags make a three-quarter drawn character look better when walking.Character Animator面部与嘴唇木偶绑定同步视频教程:Character Animator背景环境动画实例制作视频教程:

Character Animator CC 2020角色动画软件V3.0.0.276版的图片1

发布日期: 2019-11-12