本插件是关于Quad Cap Pro自动多边形3dsmax插件V1.01版,大小:1.4 MB,支持3dsmax 2008 - 2020软件,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。
分享Quad Cap Pro是一款3DS MAX 修改器填充空洞插件。
与普通的盖住工具不同,它生成一个大的ngon,Quad Cap Pro是Quad Cap maxscript的后续产品。
视频预览:Quad Cap Pro is a modifier plugin for 3ds Max that fills borders and ngons with quad polygons unlike the normal cap tool which produces one big ngon.Quad Cap Pro is the successor of the Quad Cap maxscript. It is now faster, has many more features and also it can cap ngons with an uneven number sides producing quads and a single triangleHere are some of the benefits you get:*You don’t have to spend time manually transforming ngons into quads.*Save time and energy to model what’s really important*Perfect quad topology for you cylinders and spheres*You don’t get pinching when you apply turbosmooth*Subdivides perfectly*Improves hard surfaces modeling and even organic modelingSituations in which you would want to use Quad Cap Pro:*Whenever you have and holes or ngons in your models*When you are working with extruded splines shapes to quickly cap them for applying a Turbosmoth modifier.
发布日期: 2020-1-20